[kj] FW: OT-lots of pills and sex.p ;)

melinda grant hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 21 09:16:12 EST 2008

apart from track--sun--theres some real good footage here of p.i.l.,amongst other bits and bods,some real amusing footage from there gig in japan awhile ago--note exspecially the track"under the house" worth a giggle and martin atkins really dilivers amaizingly well on drums here--look under title"the anarchy movie" its listened i-18,if i remember correctly,its number 10-have a look,its worth it and theres some recent interviews,well 07 also,very funny ;D))

milinda ps thanks paul.r for posting this originally-i had quite an eve last night watching majority of ithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs9N2axlmnkLike the sinister minister look.As for the man himself - reckon he's a bit of a merchant banker, but and interesting/entertaining one I agree.
On Jan 20, 2008 8:04 AM, Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote:

Lydon STILL has me confused as to whether he's a lying spiteful egomaniac or a funny, witty subversive joker who constantly makes you laugh and think…I do think about that RM quote at times, but watching all those interviews with him and all that stuff on Youtube…seems to be that there's no denying he's got Something To Say.

Psycho's Path can go around over and over and not get old for me. I would have had pretty different preconceived notions about it prior to the rest of you lot because I knew fuck all about punk. Metal was my punk I suppose. Anyways, I tell you what there's several bits on that album that really make me smile. Little sarcastic bits of humour, like at the very end of Take Me…answering his own rhetorical question with "I dunno…" genius.

He's a fucking entertaining guy.
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