[kj] now ive seen it all!!!! - line speeds

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Wed Jan 30 05:19:59 EST 2008

“I Jihad your fucking ISP!” JI-HAAAAAAD!!!!!!”


From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of Brian Whitehead
Sent: Wednesday, 30 January 2008 10:27 p.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] now ive seen it all!!!! - line speeds

This post is perfect timing for me, as I was literally looking at what BT
had to offer 30 min ago.

Two weeks ago I caved in to my ISP, Tiscali, and signed up to them taking
over my phone as well as my Broadband, all for £19.99 a month. BT dropped
the line last Tuesday as requested by Tiscali but Tiscali have not picked it
up over a week later, so I'm still without a phone and having to rely on my
mobile. I've tried to call Tiscali around 8 times, got through 3 times with
an avarege wait of 25 minutes, been promised call backs that dont happen etc
etc. These calls along with my everday calls have cost me over £25 in in
week on my mobile. Called support again this morning and they are off line
until 11pm tonight and not back to "full" service until Saturday. They
suggested I try emailing instead, which I did...3 times over the last week
with no reply.

Rant over, sorry.

Anybody recommend an ISP whith phoe package.


On 30/01/2008, fatpotanga <fatpotanga at gmail.com> wrote:

I switched over to BT 8Mb coz they offered free TV (shit) free web phone
(shit) & a decent router (shit)

My speed dropped from my old 2Mb line!

An engineer came out & tested everything & the internal cables from the main
line to my comp has degenerated.

On the direct line in I get 7.2mbs, in my office it can be as low as 2mbs!

am getting a new line put in.

all big laughs.

what a great story.

On 29 Jan 2008, at 22:29, ade wrote:

Of course, the chance that the average 33kbps line actually averaged 33 was
rare . .

How many people here are on "Up to 10meg"?

How many actually get 10meg (or anywhere near)?

Marc (at home)

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