[kj] OT because there's fuck-all KJnews to talk about:Great names

GREG SLAWSON gregslawson at msn.com
Mon Jun 2 20:05:50 EDT 2008

Jay Leno was known as the hardest working comedian in the US for years before he did the show--I agree that his stuff is just so-so (I watch Letterman instead) but you should really read his autobiog--it's very interesting. He tells amusing stories about dive clubs he performed in, before he was know--he even had his suit lit on fire once by cigarettes that were thrown at him while performing! I did standup 10 years ago for about a year, and it really tells what it's like to get started as a stand-up. Even better is the Seinfeld (documentary) movie, "Comedian"--that really gives a feel for exactly what it's like to do it...

Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 13:58:08 -0700From: saulomar1 at yahoo.comTo: gathering at misera.netSubject: Re: [kj] OT because there's fuck-all KJnews to talk about:Great names

People have told me his live stand-up work (every sun. night) is lots better than
his TV work (but i like the "Headlines", Beyond-O and "Iron Jay" spoofs), and that
to not expect much from his tv work because it pales in comparison.

... ... ... ... ... ... (looking at the current state of things)
'Save me..
save me from Tomorrow.. I don't want to sail in this Ship Of Fools...!' --- On Mon, 6/2/08, Karen Weil <karen.weil at sddt.com> wrote:
From: Karen Weil <karen.weil at sddt.com>Subject: Re: [kj] OT because there's fuck-all KJnews to talk about:Great namesTo: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>Date: Monday, June 2, 2008, 10:49 AM

Hi, Bette:

Totally agree with you about Jay Leno. He's hella annoying .
Too bad about the food situation in your area.



----- Original Message -----
From: Bette Dillinger
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] OT because there's fuck-all KJnews to talk about:Great names
Hey Greg! I am glad you took it in the spirit it was meant in; after I sent off the email I thought "Shit, this guy is gonna think I am out the gate" (interestingly, considering the similarity to a KJ album title, "out the gate" is a term for crazy we use in the Chicago/Detroit area.....I don't know if it is country wide). Anyhoo, food is in a sad state in the inner city too, no doubt.......I wonder how they can sell one hundred chicken wings for 7.00. What is in that? But again, that is to the poor. Ya go by the chichi places by the waters of the Great Lakes and ya get your 11.00 mini Vegetarian Thai Salad. A street over kids are being tested for lead poisoning. Ugggh. I guess Jay Leno just has always bugged me. He reminds me of a living Krusty the Clown. He just needs a flapping dicky. Glad ya like Mista Hicks......."Rant in E Minor" I think is genius. And the dude did it while going through chemo.....Jaysus. A dying man telling the truth laughing. Nothing more dangerous, nothing more true. -Bette

From: gregslawson at msn.comTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Sat, 31 May 2008 00:30:17 -0400Subject: Re: [kj] OT because there's fuck-all KJ news to talk about:Great names

Good post Bette (you set me straight), I shouldn't blame people for only being able to get crappy food (ever try to buy fresh food in an inner city? it's impossible)...the only disagreement is that Jay Leno was making fun of that racist restaurant--actually he sounded more in a state of disbelief...I have heard Bill Hicks--good stuff, I've got to pull out those albums and listen to him again!

From: bettedillinger at live.comTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Fri, 30 May 2008 20:42:17 -0400Subject: Re: [kj] OT because there's fuck-all KJ news to talk about:Great names

"People in the suburbs and country would be too closed minded to eat anything besides Italian or Chinese anyway (the "redneck agenda/idiot American" in that Green Day song"). In Jay Leno's autobiography....." -Well....when people gain access to unique food you might be surprised. Yup, even in America......do rural people have alot of food options and money I wasn't apprised of? I don't like to blame the victim. When people in rural areas have access to different food, they just might try it. That was my experience growing up, and that area is the same today. Chinese food is not actually Chinese, and neither is Italian, so also that shows that the "Agenda" comes from the top levels. Distort the original into a mediocre parody. "AND WE SAY..........YOU DO IT THIS WAY!!!!" Absence of choice is intentional. "American Idiot" soothed the panic of the Starbucks crowd, of which the band Green Day are a part. Also, quoting Jay Leno as any authority besides how to be a sad little comedian falls right into the "agenda", I would think... Ever hear the Bill Hicks routine? -With tears and laughter,Bette

Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 21:34:46 +0100From: ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.ukTo: gathering at misera.netSubject: Re: [kj] OT because there's fuck-all KJ news to talk about:Great names

One could almost imagine we're 'sophisticated' over here! ^^
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