[kj] Getting in touch w/ jaz and his likelihood of responding

jpwhkj at aol.com jpwhkj at aol.com
Fri Jun 13 02:40:50 EDT 2008

I don't think that there are any sincere fans here.


Seriously though, I cannot imagine wanting to write to Jaz.? Killing Joke have produced some incredible music, but most of Jaz's public pronouncements sound either plain silly or tediously egotistical.? Is he going to be any better by post?? I doubt it.? Big Paul, on the other hand, sounds like a thoughtful and intelligent man.? But I still wouldn't want to write to him.


-----Original Message-----
From: B. Oliver Sheppard <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 17:37
Subject: [kj] Getting in touch w/ jaz and his likelihood of responding

Okay, the ultimate fanboy question:--?
Is Jaz wont to reply to letters he gets from serious fans? I ask because I get the impression, especially after seeing that screwy documentary cli, that he is the kind who would a) reply to sincere letters without much ado, or without much care for being above that sort of thing, or b) completely blow letters off and never reply to them.?
I aks because in the early to mid 90s before this crazy Internet thing took off I'd write band members in some high profle bands and was always srprised at the number that would take the time to write me back, especially Ian MacKaye of Fugazi, whom I hae several letters and postcards from. Since the dawn of the Internet this phenomenon has declined.?
This is also partly why I made fun of the $70 USD auction of a Penny Rimbad letter on eBay. To me, it is not that unusual for folks -- especially anti-establishment, grassroots=types -- to keep in touch with "fans."?
So, anyne have any experience with how good Jaz is at responding to sincere snail mail??
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