[kj] kj documentary

Lennonka lennonka at gmail.com
Sun Jun 15 20:06:31 EDT 2008

Are you an Earth zodiac sign? : DDD

2008/6/16 B. Oliver Sheppard <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>:

> yes, and also a name of a metal abnd in the 80s, IIRC, becaus ef that very

> same reason - phonetically it sounds like "enemy."


> More creepy coincidences that just add to the vast vista of appalling

> consiracy that lie just beneath the surface of apparent, complacent

> normality!!!!


> Jaz, perform a curse and save us all!!!


> -Oliver


> Lennonka wrote:


>> It's interesting... NME reads "enemy". I'm an obsessed freak, of course.



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"Too much laugh kills..."
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