[kj] Killing Joke and the U.S.

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Wed Mar 5 03:44:26 EST 2008

If I’d known there was gonna be this much homework I wouldn’t have joined…


From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of jpwhkj at aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, 5 March 2008 9:10 p.m.
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] Killing Joke and the U.S.

Hi Oliver,

"Lawsuits like this"...? That's one lawsuit (2 people in a class action),
are there others?

Also, one of those articles was written by a claimant (so hardly unbiased)
and the other merely reports that the lawsuit is being brought. It was in
1998 - what happened next?


-----Original Message-----
From: B. Oliver Sheppard <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 21:22
Subject: Re: [kj] Killing Joke and the U.S.

That is the Ford official story and indeed the story of most corporations
that supplied material to the Nazis - "We couldn't help it; we were forced
to." Volkswagen, Bunn, Siemens, Bayer -- all fored to work with the Nazis.
It's nt something anyone wants to brag about; if you accept what their PR
departments dsh out, of course they were all victims.

But lawsuits like this show a very different picture: HYPERLINK

HYPERLINK "http://www.scripophily.net/foakr19.html"

Ford Motor Company's official website will not exactly brag it supplied Nazi
stuff. But American companies in Europe in the 1930s had no problem selling
to whomever was willing to buy. There is a similar situation today in Saudi
Arabia where Budget Rent-a-Car, for example, not wanting to rock the boat,
honors that country's legal prohibition on female drivers, so if a woman
wants to rent a car @ Budget in Saudi Arabia, she must also rent a male
chaperone, which Budget uniquely also supplies for rent at their car rental
places in that undemocratic theocratic monarchy which is a big US ally.

Regardless of Ford's "we couldn't help it" story, the company did sue the US
government after World War 2 for losses incurred during the bombing of its
factories in World War 2 by Allied pilots, and the US government paid Ford


HYPERLINK "mailto:jpwhkj at aol.com"jpwhkj at aol.com wrote:

> Actually, the Nazis appropriated the plants in the thirties, so they >

weren't "owned by Ford".


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