[kj] ot cnn news autism vaccine case won
cliffmonka at alaska.net
cliffmonka at alaska.net
Thu Mar 6 15:23:47 EST 2008
holy shit TB sorry man,i'm jus so completly angry and if they have proof the
vaccines are the cause of millions of people with autism,they'll be fuked
forever,i'm trying not to rush to judgement,but terrorists ain't shit compared to
the millions of families that will fuk them up.
> cliffmonka at alaska.net wrote:
>> parents of child with autism win case against vaccine drug company,looking
>> for more
>> info.jus fyi,peace,cliffmonk father of 2 kids with autism.
> Yeah, I heard about this. My son, who's 11th birthday is today suffers from
> autism. And I can say from firsthand experience that he got *really* sick
> when he had his batch of vaccines at 20 months old in late '98. A week
> later, he stopped talking and within a few months we started noticing the
> classic signs of childhood autism such as walking in tippy toes, hand
> flapping, no eye contact and unusual bouts of crying as if in pain for no
> apparant reason. It took us another 14 months to get the autism diagnosis.
> T.B.
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