[kj] ot cnn news autism vaccine case won

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 7 07:28:42 EST 2008

I'm not sure it's really possible to consider or approach extremely low-functioning autistic children as being essentially introverted in the same way that you or I might be. It's a lot more serious than that- you're not just dealing with introversion.

Paul Wady <paulwady at hotmail.com> wrote: .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } Notice how I keep quiet through all of this...

I believe in about 10 - 15 years there will be different terms to describe the phenomena you've all been talking about. It wont be 'classical Inherited Autism' at all.

For me, Autism is something deep deep within, its like the properties of gender or sexuality. It isn't bowel disorders or allergic reactions. So good luck to all with the cures. But one day I hope all of this business is clarified, because it just isn't right now.

Don't ask me whats really going on with mercury, vaccines and children. My wife and I with our diagnoses each, think Dexter is an amazing example of what its like to be us. Really! Just because those children have lost all the external signs, dont mean they aint introverted, alienated and having a great time being insensitive to the world. Because we do, really. I grew up in a world of my own so elaborate I had to use toys and develop nightly episodes of the same drama's in my bedroom. I had such a powerful introversion it was the most fun. I loved playing on my own, and my Dad still maintained I was very happy to be doing what I did. They left me to it. Everybody won, but boy do I still have bad wind. Some truth there. (You will be able to find me no problems in the October gigs in London. Just stand down wind and follow your noses.)

Any creativity I have is really an extension of my childhood Autistic introversions and energy. So don't think its the end if a child is Autistic. They usually have a rich, inner world which is worth sharing.

Hope thats helpful folks. I'm looking into buying tickets for both nights to hear both sets. JAZ!!! JAZ!! OVER HERE - LOOK AT ME!!!!

Keep Smiling... Autism also affects adults.
Most are isolated and ignored
Think. Act. Transform Lives.

> From: Partyslammer at socal.rr.com

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 12:57:25 -0800

> Subject: Re: [kj] ot cnn news autism vaccine case won


> cliffmonka at alaska.net wrote:



> > holy shit TB sorry man,i'm jus so completly angry and if they have proof

> > the

> > vaccines are the cause of millions of people with autism,they'll be fuked

> > forever,i'm trying not to rush to judgement,but terrorists ain't shit

> > compared to

> > the millions of families that will fuk them up.


> IMO, there's more to it than just mercury in vaccines, otherwise a vastly

> higher percentage of children would be autistic. I believe it takes almost

> a "perfect storm" of events, *including* the thimerisol (mercury) to trigger

> whatever results in autism, which may or may not include certain genetic

> predispositions, the child's overall health at time of the vaccine(s) and

> other things. It' still incredibly arrogant of the pharmaceutical

> company(s) to have knowingly stuck with this form of preservative for

> vaccines for so long after it was known that such a high level of mercury

> was so poisonous especially in children.


> And most vaccines including those for children *still* have that

> preservative in them. It will be years before it's all off doctor's shelves

> nationwide.


> I would strongly suggest anyone with babies coming up on their 18 - 24 month

> vaccines do some cursory research on the subject and ask hard questions of

> whoever their kid's doctor is. Ask to see the actual vial the vaccine is

> coming from and make not of the batch number and the manufacture date.

> Don't be afraid to tell your doctor you refuse to allow them to give a

> vaccine of *any* kind to your kid unless they say, order a new batch of the

> vaccine if the current batch is over a year old or you just feel

> uncomfortable in the situation. Above all, if your kid has been sick the

> past few weeks before he's due for a shot, wait until some time has passed.

> Your kid isn't going to catch polio if you wait an extra month to get the

> vaccine.


> T.B.


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