[kj] ot cnn news autism vaccine case won

Brendan Quinn bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Fri Mar 7 15:50:01 EST 2008

Not necessarily…there are many physical, genetic, and even behavioural
differences between males and females starting with the Y chromosome and
hormone levels, which could potentially explain the higher incidence amongst
boys. Hormones are extremely important in determining male and female
characteristics, testosterone for example is basically one of the
fundamental things that makes men men.

Scientists have discovered that genetics is far more complex than the old
idea of single genes coding for single behaviours. You often used to hear
things like “scientists have found the gene that controls Englebert
Humperdink appreciation” or whatever. Now they are reaching an understanding
that single genes can affect multiple things, carrying multiple copies of
genes can have a greater effect than single copies, genes can have a
stronger effect in the presence of other particular genes, some cancel
others out, there may even be competition amongst genes.

The hormonal environment while in the womb also has a strong effect on
development, as does the environment post-birth (obviously), the environment
including behaviour, diet, medicine including vaccines etc.

So, without a complete understanding of how the body builds and repairs
itself, or even how it works once it’s built…tracking down the cause of
these kind of things becomes more difficult.

I would personally like to see whether the increased incidence of autism is
mirrored in non-western diet societies (healthy ones), to remove dietary
factors from the equation, because our diet has changed quite a lot over the
last 100 years. I’m not sure what people feed infants these days, but I am
not a fan of artificial flavourings, colours, preservatives, etc. And I
wonder, even if infants aren’t eating them directly, how the mother’s diet
prior to and during pregnancy, and even when breast-feeding, affects

Just another thing to weigh up and consider I suppose, in the mix of
potential factors causing the condition.


From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of culturevirus
Sent: Saturday, 8 March 2008 3:01 a.m.
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] ot cnn news autism vaccine case won

The vaccine scenario also fails account for the fact that autism affects
boys at a much greater rate than girls, something like 4:1. Since
immunization occurs across nearly all children in the US and girls slightly
outnumber boys you'd think the ratio of those affected would be more or less
equal if it was a simple cause and effect. As someone else said in this
thread I see that it's likely to be a "perfect storm" situation.

Knowing what "caused" the autism in my daughter is (somewhat) less important
to me than what we as a society are going to do about accommodating the
millions of autistic people that we now have. What will we do to make their
lives meaningful as adults and how will we "mainstream" them into the
workplace and greater society.

Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

Connecting vaccines to autism is a very tricky proposition, even if you do
believe they have that effect. In the UK the main theory is that having the
combined Measles-Mumps-Rubella jab causes autism, alongside the belief that
having those three vaccinations separately is harmless. I'm not convinced of
the accuracy of this idea, partly because (as someone else said) millions of
kids have the MMR jab each year, with comparatively few suffering from
apparent side-effects, and partly because I'm not convinced by the science
of the theory, with the vaccine being harmless if taken in three separate
doses. The idea that the vaccine contains other ingredients that cause
illness sounds a little more likely, but if that is true, then the MMR jab
is not safe even when taken separately.

It's also been known for some time that autism typically begins to present
symptoms between the ages of 18 months and 2 years, with many children
appearing largely normal before the onset of the illness. If the MMR jab
*does* provoke autism, it becomes very tricky to define who has 'natural'
autism (for the want of a better word) and who has drug-induced autism.
Almost all parents of autistic children firmly belief the illness was
triggered by outside considerations (vaccines, medications etc), but logic
suggests that not all of them were, and there's absolutely no way to tell. I
don't mean to suggest that these vaccines are harmless and absolutely not
responsible for autistic children, but I'm not 100% convinced by either side
of the debate.




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