[kj] Bonzo Goes to Hell

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 3 07:23:54 EST 2008

Ugh! Right wing Johnny's revenge. I'll always adore the Ramones, but
they were never the savviest of bands, politically.

Alex in NYC

On Nov 3, 2008, at 7:20 AM, Change wrote:

> Press Release





> October 30, 2008







> 'It has been brought to my attention that Linda Cummings, using the

> name "Ramone," has recently been in the media joining with the Palin

> family and the McCains to attempt to aid their campaign for the

> Presidency. As a President of Ramones Productions, and brother of

> Joey Ramone, I just want it to

> be clear that Linda Cummings does not represent the political views

> of the Ramones. Surely, as for Joey Ramone, the only Ramones song he

> would sing at a Republican campaign event would be ‘Glad To See You

> Go!'


> 'I should add that when Johnny stated ‘God Bless George Bush' at the

> 2002 Rock&Roll Hall of Fame awards, I realize now that he was on to

> something. Because if it were not for George Bush and his handling

> of our country the past 8 years, I doubt so many Americans,

> including so many highly regarded Republicans, would now be getting

> behind Barack Obama. So, yes, thank God for George Bush for paving

> the way to Obama.'



> ~ ~ Mickey Leigh






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