Bette Dillinger bettedillinger at live.com
Wed Nov 5 15:00:56 EST 2008

I also see people saying "Black people don't have it worse than white people.......look who is in the White House! The President is Black, so there is no discrimination!".......like Stephen Colbert jokes, whites just "won't see race".

Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 11:30:09 -0800From: saulomar1 at yahoo.comTo: gathering at misera.netSubject: Re: [kj] OBAMA HAS WON-PRESIDENT ;d

> the right will simply say... "no excuses now, a black man made it..."

BINGO!! ding-ding-ding-ding! OH! *Las Vegas flashbacks*

And not just the right, but all americans, who've felt that til-now-denied guilt over blacks.
Notice how lotsa articles have been ab out post-racial this, post-racial that, 'is this the end
of Race,' '...the end of Race politics,'etc. as if "some" are dying to bypass the issue then
believe it never existed.

Now, if blacks (individuals and group) don't rise up, people
really will feel justified in openly calling them "lazy."

May the excuses begin...

... ... ... ... ... ...
[looking at the current state of things..]

'Save me...
save me from Tomorrow..
I don't want to sail in this Ship Of Fools...'

From: ade <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk>To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>Sent: Wednesday, November 5, 2008 11:15:41 AMSubject: Re: [kj] OBAMA HAS WON-PRESIDENT ;d

I think the right will simply say to the black community "no excuses now, a black man made it to presidency"

-----Original Message-----From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of fluwSent: 05 November 2008 14:07To: 'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'Subject: Re: [kj] OBAMA HAS WON-PRESIDENT ;d

I am excited about Obama and for what ‘he says’ he will do, especially here in the US socially - and I look forward to the possibilities of people coming together in the US, but anyone who thinks Obama is going to make drastic change overseas, in the environment, or fiscally is a fool.

The world is America ’s bitch and she likes to have her ass reamed.

Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney would be the only candidates able to offer change that benefits those who suffer at the hands of America !

Everything will be the same ‘cept the US basketball courts and jobsites will have more inter
- racial camaraderie…maybe.

From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of Matthew BurkeSent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:42 AMTo: gatheringSubject: Re: [kj] OBAMA HAS WON-PRESIDENT ;d

Wow, another Wall St. puppet that openly embraces war . . . things should change immediately.
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