[kj] Jaz Coleman Among Top Singers

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 13 23:43:05 EST 2008

For example, this is from

[Yes, it is true, Glenn danzig wrotes songs for both Roy Orbison and
Johnny Cash, hence my putting him inmy Top 10 like Hetfield; the guy may
be a douche nozzle but he really is talented as a singer and songwriter]

_Johnny Cash Sings and Promotes Satanist Glenn Danzig_

Johnny Cash sold his soul to Satan. Recognized worldwide as a "Christian
by unsuspecting believers, Johnny Cash was NO Christian. The album cover
to the left is Glenn Danzig's...notice "DANZIG, Satan's Child and 6:66."
The group Danzig, led by Glenn Danzig, is one of the most openly Satanic
bands in rock. Glenn Danzig, spewing his hatred for the Lord Jesus
Christ, proudly designed a logo for the band — a demon strangling Jesus
Christ with blood gushing from Jesus' eyes! One of Danzig's song is
"Serpent Jesus, Snakes of Christ". On the inside of their album, "Danzig
II - Lucifuge", Glenn Danzig is wearing the demonic upside-down cross,
with the words of John 8:44 brazenly above him, "Ye are of your father
the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do." One of Danzig's
other logos is a Satanic Pentagram.

Johnny Cash (along with Amy Grant) in December of 1996 appeared on the
Billy Graham Christmas Special. Now surely, there is a tremendous
DIFFERENCE between "Christian" Johnny Cash and "Satanic" Danzig, right?

Johnny Cash's album "American Recordings" contains the song "Thirteen"
written by Glenn Danzig. Also, the song "Unchained" from Johnny Cash's
album "Unchained" is written by Danzig. Both songs are written by a
Satanist. Why would Johnny Cash promote Satan? Regardless, Johnny Cash
is a wolf in Sheep's clothing. One of Danzig's logos is a picture of a
demon strangling the Lord Jesus Christ while blood is coming out of
Jesus' bulging eyes! This is evil and Johnny Cash committed a horrible
sin by promoting Danzig.



B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:

> Well, I like Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt" better than NIN's....

> Also, Glenn Danzig wrte original -- NOT cover -- songs for both Johnny

> Cash and Roy Orbison, which they put on albums well before their

> deaths. Not many people realize that even though Glenn Danzig is a

> smug prick, he's also not a bad songwriter, and Cash and Orbison used

> his material. And not as covers.


> -Oliver


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