[kj] Jaz Coleman Among Top Singers

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 13 23:56:28 EST 2008

Yeah, Johnny Cash really was the shit. Not just trendy stuff. That he
did multiple songs Glenn Danzig wrote for him is kinda remarkable. And
he did that before he did the covers albums of popular songs right
before he died.

And also that Orbison did songs Danzig wrote for him -- kinda cool. The
Samhain (Danzig) song "Archangel" was written for Dave Vanian/The Damned
to sing, but they never did it, for whatever reason. Danzig was a big
fan of Orbison, Cash, and Dave Vanian as vocalists.

I think the "Samhain" LP (actually it's members of Danzig) _Final
Descent_ is amazing, vocally.


Brendan Quinn wrote:

> Dude you're a mind-reader. I was JUST gonna say that Snakes of Christ is

> probably my all-time favourite Danzig track, I have had the lyrics memorized

> ever since it came out...(500th generation Catholic so I had to get it out

> of my system).


> AND that he'd written for Roy Orbison.


> Didn't know he'd written for Cash however...Cash has just gone up another

> notch in my opinion *tips hat*





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