[kj] (OT) Worst Singers - barbarisms
Brendan Quinn
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Sun Nov 16 16:01:22 EST 2008
Obama hasn't been filmed at Bohemia Grove taking part in mock child
sacrifice ceremonies yet, so I suppose that's one tick in his favour. What a
surreal thing to point that out and actually mean it as well (?!). The
modern world all reads like some fucking weird 1970s novel, it's surreal at
He just seems a little too perfect for my liking.perfectly opposite to Bush
& McCain, young vs old, black vs white, Islamic name, etc. etc. But the job
description of US President has such a bunch of pre-conditions which
exemplify that power behind the throne.you basically have to be a christian
corporate tool and broadly agree with foreign military interventionism to
have a shit's show of getting in. It's a bit weird how money is allowed to
skew the odds in the elections so much over there as well, if what I heard
is true then McCain lived up to his promise and Obama didn't. What are the
odds Obama wouldn't have gotten in without that money? Although to some
extent too it was a symptom of public support.but advertising works.
>From what I'm aware of, China has stricter standards on vehicle fuel
efficiency for new cars in some areas than the 'States.that's embarrassing.
There comes a point where the market is allowed to decide in favour of more
competitive companies and all the political lobbying and backhanders can't
compete against foreign companies that just make cheaper more reliable and
efficient cars, foreign economies that aren't as wasteful with energy
resources & that price labour at a fraction of what it is in the US &
Europe. It's happening right now, consumer demand for vehicles & gas has
gone down sharply, GM & Ford are both feeling the pain.Ford went into the
luxury SUV market (?!) and got stung pretty badly when people started
shunning the gas guzzlers. And if left to the mercy of the market, GM would
be a lost proposition. (The global shitstorm spreads into the real market.)
It's all so Darwinian at the moment, the free-marketeers have been promoting
the self-correcting market for how long, but they hate to see it actually
happen. ARGH! Intervene, we need taxpayer money to bail out the banks or we
all go under! Apart from being so grossly unfair, it's all so 1929.and Obama
not wanting to tip the boat.IMO what's gonna happen is gonna happen, and the
most important thing is to wear the pain as quickly as possible and
re-structure in such a way as to reduce the risk and impact if it happens
again. But that actually requires forethought, independent action, living up
to promises, and not pissing off the incumbent monied & influential.so it's
ain't gonna happen. Unfortunately, the storm is coming one way or another,
and it's flinging some of the the largest corporations in the world out of
its path.($26 trillion and counting.)
I'm really bullish renewable power, and that's one positive I think Obama
has on his side, if he actually goes ahead with it, which is yet to be seen.
Look at what the railroads did to the US economy.I reckon a big push towards
renewable energy infrastructure building could have the same economic
stimulus. Plus at the end of it you end up with a more competitive and
resilient economy (due to not needing to rely so much on foreign oil and
'people who hate us'), you have not only the moral authority to frown at the
Indians and Chinese, but the ability to partner with them at home and abroad
in transitioning to a new system, to the mutual benefit of all.and you lose
some of the stigma Bush has managed to attach to the US. The oil lobby will
do their utmost to slow that down as much as they possibly can.all the while
working on a plan to transition themselves into a position of control and
build in artificial scarcity and cost into the system. That's why I'd prefer
it was done by govt and other non-profits orgs, the profit motive will just
ensure it's done with only that in mind. There's just no incentive for them
to develop to cheap ubiquitous power, despite how feasible it actually is.
We are lucky enough in NZ to have a tiny population and loads of choppy
rivers so we're already sitting at something like 80% + renewable due to
hydro, and are moving towards 100% in 1-2 decades. Plus a huge food surplus,
which is why I'm not as concerned with the future as other countries,
despite the economy being so meagre.
PS: Hope those fires are under control.
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of folk devil
Sent: Monday, 17 November 2008 06:14
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] (OT) Worst Singers - barbarisms
No arguments here, Brendan.
It?s interesting when you mention that there would be, and has been, a
change of Obama rhetoric to people, as a common reply is, ?well it (his
election) is a step in the right direction?. It?s a step in no direction!
Everything is still under ?corporate control?, and Obama is subject to this
like every puppet before him, just as long as everyone ?thinks? things are
better now (or will be). Obama has almost become a Christ fixation with
People like 'we' are still viewed as the crazies by many, and many won't
lobby or boycott anything as 'our' lives are so intrinsically controlled by
the shitstem.
On a side note, go into any large supermarket in the states and see how no
one really gives a damn about our environment..'plastic (bag) ok?', no it
bloody isn't!
'Do you have any eco friendly shower gel?' 'Huh, what's that, dude?' :(
Why do many Americans think being able to build cars that go 32 miles to the
gallon as a huge advancement?.Euro law has had every car being built for the
past 10 or so yearas to have to go at least 37. There are cars that go the
width of America on solar power only, but we can't use it for our own cars.
Nearly 30% of Germany is on Alternative energies, already...America cannot
lead in something they are 25 years behind in...they need to learn..
From: bq at soundgardener.co.nz
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 13:15:12 +1100
Subject: Re: [kj] (OT) Worst Singers
What I mean about us being barbaric are things like our collusion by default
to the murder of innocent people, via paying tax to a ?government? (a front
organisation to lull people into the belief that they have some control when
they have almost none) who tell lies & create fear in order to start wars
that profit a small minority, paying tax that goes into the military /
industrial / political / religious machine, participating in an economy that
favours the rich over the poor. When you look at the alternatives, what
could be done with that money?food, clean water, power, education,
health?it?s nuts, and the whole system of government is completely corrupt.
It?s not democratic at all, you have no real say where your tax money goes
and no real ability to opt out or create an alternative. Look at Obama, the
great new hope. Immediately changing tack from the rhetoric of change, to
?maintain a steady keel because we don?t want to scare the markets? (can
cite the reference if you want). It?s amazing how easily we?re fucked over,
and we buy it.
I can?t really see it any other way than those people with access to the
most power & resources are the cause of most of the problem, because they
don?t want to share. Not only do they not want to share, they don?t want
others to have enough for themselves or the resources to have enough for
themselves, not if there?s a profit in keeping them down (artificial
scarcity, the destruction of surplus food to maintain prices, while people
starve to death, terminator seeds that self-destruct after one season?).
I mean, really, if there was a general consensus amongst the power elite
that it?d be a good idea to start moving resources away from war and into
increasing the standard of living for everyone (which would be a far cheaper
and more effective way to improve security anyway), don?t you think we?ve
had enough decades or centuries to do it? Isn?t that really, without
pontificating or debating on politics or philosophy, what we should be
doing? Is there any rational argument against gradually de-commissioning the
military worldwide and putting the resources into the exact opposite? I find
it disingenuous that people can come up with any sort of objection to that
basic idea at all, and I tend to chose the latter of ?re-educate or
The majority of ?ber-rich people & companies only want to get richer & more
powerful, enough is never enough. Never enough market share or profit. Once
you have monopoly control of any given market it?s time to squeeze the
customers for more, control the resources to create artificial scarcity,
convince people they need more and more plastic pieces of shit in order to
be acceptable to the rest of society, move into other markets, lobby the
govt for more power, lower tax rates, less protection for consumers etc?
What is sad is the part we all play in it?the system is the problem ? the
Shitstem as Lydon calls it. What about this ? trying to save some money for
retirement and then realising one day that you have money invested in funds
that cover dozens or hundreds of companies, more than you could ever keep
track of (index funds etc), some of which goes to companies that make
weapons, companies that lobby the politicians who are supposed to look after
our best interests to instead look after the interests of the rich ?elite?,
companies that prey on people in 3rd world countries, paying them a pittance
for their labour, then as soon as they start to get some sort of increase in
their standard of living and demand higher wages, they move on and find
another country of impoverished people who are back at square one?and leave.
This is madness!
Seriously, you don?t need to be a depressive or hippie to bemoan the state
of things, in fact the more aware / enlightened you are, the more likely you
are to see how we?re living, how we could be living differently, and be
uneasy with the disjoint.
That?s what I?m referring to when I say that we live in a barbaric society.
And I feel justified in saying ?we? are barbaric, because of our general
lack of awareness, our participation and lack of resistance to the Shitstem,
how we allow ourselves to be manipulated, and how it?s our labour that gets
the job done. We?re not the brains we?re the stupid grunts.
I still strongly believe that the average person in the street is decent,
but largely unaware of the Matrix so to speak, and therefore the effect of
their actions, which they are led to believe are ethical and lawful.
Hence I?ve been going on about why haven?t all of us people who are aware of
the way things are done something about it, the power of boycott / lobby /
increasing awareness, by people all over the world behaving in such a way as
to negate as much as possible their default participation in the local
politico-economic system and function instead as part of an international
I mean fuck?s sake, at least we?d be able to come up with the world?s first
decent national anthem (I vote for Savage Freedom).
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