[kj] chicago?
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Fri Oct 17 22:50:31 EDT 2008
Beasts of Bourbon, Big Day out 1996
*comic store guy voice*
"Worst gig EVER"
Seriously, that's their name. Beasts of Bourbon. Must have been really
funny one Friday night back int he 80s or something.
> A tad subpar?
> THEY WERE INDEFENSIBLY DREADFUL. With the fleeting exception of
> possibly the Infants of Sin, a slackjawed quartet of meatnecks who
> opened for the Mission at the Newport Music Hall in Columbus, Ohio in
> Seriously, Ascenion of the Waters were sincere bags of crap. I
> wouldn't listen to that claptrap again if you PAID me.
> Alex in NYC
> On Oct 17, 2008, at 8:35 PM, The Exorcist wrote:
>> Is this the first mention of someone liking Ascension of the Watchers?
>> I found them a tad subpar. As I've said before, maybe I was to hard
>> on 'em because I felt they didn't
>> belong there and I found the songs to be "meh" compared to KJ.
>> Who knows?
>> Cheers,
>> Yos
>> At 08:03 PM 10/17/2008, Squibah at aol.com wrote:
>>> Oh boy....
>>> As I sit here in the comfort of my own home a million scenes and
>>> sounds from the last week or so play through my head. Sorting
>>> through the events and trying to put together some words to
>>> describe them seems like an impossible task right now. Miche said
>>> she thought KJ was not 100% there in Chicago and I agree. The set
>>> was still amazing though and all in all the gathering in Chicago
>>> was a blast. The HOB Chicago is definitely not as strict as LA. I
>>> could go on and on about how hilarious this is to me but maybe you
>>> just had to be there to see why. LA is full of actors, including
>>> security. The Chicago HOB had a VIP balcony that I was certainly
>>> not welcome on unless I paid $200. Fuck that. I waved up at Martin
>>> Atkins and Dick Friction and then kept my eyes on the stage.
>>> Ascension of the Watchers opened with a great set that was so heart
>>> felt, they were just as or more excited for KJ to play than any of
>>> us. Then they joined the pit for the finale. This is Madness was so
>>> mad my ass hit the floor!!! By the end of the show I had Rick
>>> (Dick) and his woman standing next to me both with our Mob Research/
>>> Raven shirts on. How cute. An early morning flight back to Seattle
>>> yesterday left me feeling lost and my mind has been flooded with
>>> the sights and sounds from this adventure. I have so much to
>>> celebrate and just as much to mourn. All I want to do is hit up
>>> Crow Bar for some connection but we all know that place just isn't
>>> the same anymore. I miss Raven... 3 days to the year... "As you are
>>> I once was, As I am You will be." Back to the recess of my mind.
>>> I trust 2009 will bring us all face to face again and closer than
>>> ever. See you then.
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