[kj] (OT) guitarists...

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 24 12:36:57 EDT 2008

I missed out Richard Thompson myself. He's not similar to anything else I listen to, but he's an exceptional guitarist and songwriter. One of the few artists I've actually been able to see live (the others are the Rolling Stones and Killing Joke twice). I'm not going to get to see Bauhaus now, which is a right bastard, but I'm hoping I still have a shot at seeing Love & Rockets! 

--- On Fri, 24/10/08, Matthew Burke <marsboy1 at msn.com> wrote:

Well, I think everyone I like has been covered. Top job!

To fill a couple personal gaps:

Derek Bailey
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Michael Hedges
Richard Thompson
Blixa Bargeld

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