[kj] a few observations, jonseys jukebox

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 26 08:18:43 EDT 2008

I doubt the Peter Cook similarity is an accident.

Alex in NYC

On Oct 26, 2008, at 3:50 AM, wyn davies wrote:

> unrelated to anything in particular but I can't help thinking:


> 1. Doesn't Steve Jones sound like Peter Cook in full Derek & Clive

> mockney mode?

> 2. I seem to remember the ODIC gig a fundraiser for a "research

> center" for KJ type interests? I paid out my cash at the time &

> recieved absolutely f-all, apart from a dodgy booklet ? 20 years

> later it seems that this was the seed capital for Jaz's 18k

> investment thats now "worth 2.4 million"

> 3.Wasn't the world tour initiated as a means to raise money for

> Raven's kids? I just hope the funds end up where they were first

> intended & not lining Jaz's pocket again?


> 4. Totally apart but when I listen to Timewave its strangely

> reminiscent of "Bob the builder"? Can't get it out of my head.....


> Still enjoyed the Forum gigs tho...





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