[kj] Carbon Casino's 8 and 9 - Carbon Silicon (Mick Jones/Tony James)

Brendan bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Tue Oct 28 03:32:10 EDT 2008

So Wady pops back up as an evil Paparazzi stalker, shoulda guessed! ;)

Good stor8y.

PS: Can you explain: "Darshan is where you take teaching
from the Guru"...just I've got a mate called Darshan :)


> Greetings Tasteful Citizens.


> Mick and Tony are holding the next two Carbon Casino's on the 15th and

> 16th December, in The Hammersmith Club. (Location and name.)

> www.hammersmithclub.co.uk


> Book with their site or its £5 more on the door.

> http://www.carbonsiliconinc.com/gigs.aspx


> Don't know who is guesting but with these fellows...


> Looks like a good venue with the bar at one end and the stage the other,

> one great big old space.


> About 3 in the morning after the final Carbon Casino (7) had ended I was

> waiting in the venue to catch old Mick with my camera, which I did and got

> an amazing shot of the two of us. Just before he came out of backstage,

> Sienna Miller came storming past me very upset. At me. She was winging

> about having her picture taken. As if. Barbie dolls don't play hollow

> bodied Fenders.


> She was accompanied by Mick's Mrs, who demanded I go home and it was all

> over and no photo's. By then the batteries of my camera had flown onto

> the floor as I tried to reassure them I had no intention of taking her

> picture. I wasn't even pointing it at her and she just materialized in

> front of me anyway. I would not recommend anyone try arguing/arm

> wrestling with that Lady. Miller spent the rest of the time at the bar

> complaining to Mrs Jones about the press. So get a paper bag baby. Or go

> work outside of film like most people!


> Her and Rhys Ifans were a pair of swaggering coke heads. Very impressive.

> After I got my picture, my pal presented Mr Jones with a "Herbal present"

> which impressed him greatly!, and they had a short conversation. Darshan

> is where you take teaching from the Guru. We had it that night. Bless

> you Jonesy.


> (Did I tell you all I am a Carbon Silicon fan?)


> Peace. x

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