[kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Sun Sep 7 01:59:30 EDT 2008
Anyone remember the intro to Harder Faster on WASP's Live in the Raw album
back in the 80s...might have been a me thing. Little funny rant about the
PMRC, unfortunately I can't find a link to it...
> jeffmccollough at earthlink.net wrote:
>> No one seems to understand that fact especially considering this list
>> might be considered anti american by her and her cronies.
> Oh, for fucks sake - with some of you people it's all "the sky is falling,
> the sky is falling." Rock n' roll music (and free speech) survived the
> whole Tipper Gore bullshit in the late 80's, I strongly doubt anyone is
> going to somehow put the kibosh on Killing Joke or their mailing list.
> T.B.
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