[kj] OT - James Frey
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 7 12:10:34 EDT 2008
Who cares about James Frey? So he writes a little book, tells people
it's a true story, Oprah buys it and tells everyone else to, then it's
disclosed that it's actual not true. Big fuckin' deal. Think he's the
first guy to do that?
Bottom line: fact or fiction, he's simply not a very good writer.
Alex in NYC
On Sep 7, 2008, at 2:15 AM, Brendan wrote:
> IMO it's not an easy question to answer and I haven't given it enough
> thought to be perfectly honest.
> I am anti-censorship but I'm also anti race-hatred, anti-gender
> hatred,
> anti-fascist etc.
> Short answer...not entirely sure. But by and large I'm anti-
> censorship.
> James Frey is totally full of shit in my opinion, but as long as
> people
> are aware of the true story (i.e. his lies) behind his books then read
> away I say.
>> Btw, what's your opinion on publishing books that may be found
>> offensive to certain groups people?
>> Should they be published or should the publisher not publish it
>> because some people might get upset?
>> Cheers,
>> Me
>> At 01:32 AM 9/7/2008, Brendan wrote:
>>> Regardless of title, the banning of ANY book is completely fucked
>>> up.
>>> Except "A thousand little pieces" by James Frey ;)
>>>> Like I said, it certainly fits her profile, though I'd be damn
>>>> surprised if she's even HEART of HALF of these books (woman
>>>> didn't get
>>>> her first passport until 2007, for cryin' out loud).
>>>> More to the point though: Regardless of title, the banning of ANY
>>>> book
>>>> is completely fucked up.
>>>> May she rot.
>>>> Alex in NYC
>>>> On Sep 6, 2008, at 4:22 PM, B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:
>>>>> Wow, I know she had some deal with the library, and I hate this
>>>>> evil, hypocritical version of Tina Fey, but is that list
>>>>> accurate. I
>>>>> mean, LYSISTRATA? Banned?
>>>>> Part of me wouldn't doubt it -- but part of me insists on a
>>>>> snopes.com check.
>>>>> -Oliver
>>>>> LONESTYLE at aol.com wrote:
>>>>>> Check this one out...
>>>>>> ~LB
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