[kj] OT - The Exorcist
cliffmonka at alaska.net
cliffmonka at alaska.net
Sun Sep 7 20:57:57 EDT 2008
original texas chainsaw massacre was damn scary,dunno guess i'm not afraid of a
little girl with spinning head,but a cannibal redneck chasing with a chainsaw get's
the blood moving.haha,Cliff
> "but it's not a 'truly scary movie', and there's more than a few"
> Well, it truly scares me, even this many years later. "The Omen" is
> practically a comedy compared to "The Exorcist".
> Alex in NYC
> On Sep 7, 2008, at 6:52 PM, Jim Harper wrote:
>> "One of the only really, truly scary movies."
>> I'm afraid I can't agree there. The Exorcist is a good film, but
>> it's not a 'truly scary movie', and there's more than a few.
>> There are plenty of acknowledged 'classic' horror films that aren't
>> worth more than a cursory watch, just so you can say you've seen it
>> (The Shining and The Wicker Man fit the bill very nicely). To
>> Friedkin's credit, he does at least ensure that The Exorcist doesn't
>> turn into the kind of colossal monument to tedium that those two
>> films are, but he does fall short of the 'classic' he usually gets
>> landed with. I've always preferred The Omen. I realise comparing
>> those two films- The Exorcist and The Omen- is likely to get me
>> lynched, but The Omen is a more entertaining film. Mainly because it
>> doesn't try to hide what it is. Both films are trashy exploitation,
>> but whereas The Omen accepts that and gets on with business of being
>> a really fun piece of trashy exploitation, The Exorcist (mainly
>> through William Friedkin and William Peter Blatty, who spun the same
>> crap about his novel when it came out) tries to pass itself off as a
>> serious meditation on the mystery of Faith. Bollocks. Aside from one
>> line, faith is never even mentioned. It's just a scary, gross horror
>> movie, but one with ideas above its station.
>> My apologies for the rambling there!
>> Jim.
>> NOW AVAILABLE: Flowers From Hell: The Modern Japanese Horror Film,
>> by Jim Harper (Noir Publishing).
>> "Fascinating overview of the Japanese horror boom... Comprehensive,
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>> Available from Noir Publishing, Amazon.co.uk, Waterstones and all
>> good bookstores.
>> --- On Sun, 7/9/08, Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> From: Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [kj] OT - The Exorcist
>> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net
>> >
>> Date: Sunday, 7 September, 2008, 9:42 PM
>> Also the classic "Stick your cock up her ass, you motherfucking
>> worthless
>> One of the only really, truly scary movies. The original Black
>> Christmas and
>> The Changeling are two more that come to mind. Anyone got anymore? I'm
>> talking SCARY, not just kind of creepy or gross.
>> Leigh
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