[kj] Kristin Hersh's Sady Circle
The Exorcist
killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com
Mon Sep 8 10:04:06 EDT 2008
My Bad, I'll be more considerate next time!
At 05:00 AM 9/8/2008, Brendan wrote:
>"I saw her open up for Brendan..."
>Aah that sentence was going so well until you ruined it...
> > BTW, thanks for the forward.
> >
> > Great artist, I have lots of Kristin Hersh and Throwing Muses lying
> > around. I saw her open up for
> > Brendan Perry, great set.
> >
> > Nice to see she's still kickin.
> >
> > At 10:39 AM 9/6/2008, Change wrote:
> >>Sat here eating tabouleh in the Liverpool anarchist social centre,
> >>listening to English Civil War by The Clash, I felt an urge to
> >>forward a message from that wonderful woman Kristin Hersh. So here
> >>it is... again...
> >>
> >>Hi Pals,
> >>
> >>People often ask us why we never play in their town and we have to
> >>answer, " 'Cause we weren't invited!". Then they say, "I'm inviting
> >>you!", at which point we find ourselves wishing it were that simple.
> >>
> >>Promoters need to make offers, venues have to be available and
> >>willing to open a date, and calculations need to be made by others
> >>to evaluate profit-potential and risk. In other words, "ready and
> >>willing to play" doesn't always do it.
> >>
> >>While it will probably never be as simple as "your wish is our
> >>command", we'd like to see things things head in that direction. The
> >>power structure in the live music business is just as influenced by
> >>"gatekeepers" as it is in recorded music. We have a problem with this.
> >>
> >>Again, the CASH way of doing things is our answer. Finding ways to
> >>distribute the power and responsibility among all "stakeholders",
> >>sharing ideas and decision-making with the listener/audience is once
> >>more the answer. This time though, in the area of live performance.
> >>
> >>Kristin's new project, "The Shady Circle" is all about people. The
> >>traditional music that is the core of this show only lives today
> >>because people carried it from town to town and through
> >>generations. It was music created in and meant for living rooms and
> >>front porches. It is the kind of music that Lawrence Lessig has
> >>spoken about in talks like as this one:
> >><http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/larry_lessig_says_the_law_is_s
> trangling_creativity.html>
> >>Lessig Talk
> >>
> >>Every year we find it harder and harder to afford to play for people
> >>who want to hear the music. Now, with the high price of fuel and low
> >>guarantees from clubs, the situation is coming to a head. We at CASH
> >>are all about sustainability in music because unsustainability is
> >>unacceptable. Good music must happen to people.
> >>
> >>We're formally introducing "The Shady Circle" -- an old idea that
> >>worked then and should work now, bringing music and performance
> >>directly to people's homes. To provide a close-up, hi-res view of
> >>the music as it's played for people in small groups. When this
> >>happens, when people experience "music in the room" with them --
> >>when music fills the space between people, like water in a swimming
> >>pool -- we believe it will underscore just how important and
> >>powerful music can be.
> >>
> >>Songs are for people. We'll take songs from town to town, house to
> >>house -- making special evenings happen for small gatherings. House
> >>concerts, for groups of at least 20 or so, throughout the country,
> >>throughout the year, regardless of release and promo schedules,
> >>presented by musical ambassadors to their own communities. Events
> >>not driven by beer sales and late nights, but rather by the sharing
> >>of music between friends and families, children and adults, people
> >>familiar with Kristin and those not yet aware of her. And we think
> >>these traditional songs are a great way to introduce new folks to KH.
> >>
> >>So this is a solicitation. You're invited to submit inquiries and
> >>ideas for your own "Shady Circle" performance, in your house or
> >>hall. We'll help guide the process, collaborating with you to ensure
> >>a successful night for all of us.
> >>
> >>Every performance will be recorded simply -- and these recordings
> >>will be your property, to be used as you see fit. They can be
> >>licensed via Creative Commons and re-posted and distributed on the
> >>Internet, they may be burned as CDs and shared or even sold. Up to
> >>you. CASH Music will provide support for "The Shady Circle" as well
> >>-- allowing people to share info, post photos, recordings, etc. More
> >>on that soon.
> >>
> >>This is only the beginning of a grass roots effort that we'd like to
> >>see grow over the years -- a way for you to bring Kristin to your
> >>friends, family and neighbors, a way to empower the most
> >>enthusiastic supporters of Kristin's art who have been looking for
> >>ways to get involved -- the center of a new spiral.
> >>
> >>Interested folks should contact us here:
> >>
> >><mailto:kristinhersh at cashmusic.org/>kristinhersh at cashmusic.org
> >>
> >>Your proposals will be paid immediate attention and we'll begin
> >>scheduling a North American calendar, ASAP. Dates will be scheduled
> >>according to routing and availability to minimize expenses. Where
> >>expense is not an issue, our availability is much more fluid.
> >>
> >>Please note: We'll be building a calendar in North America first,
> >>but would like to offer shows in other territories eventually.
> >>
> >>To acquaint yourself with the world of house concerts check out the
> >>following helpful links:
> >>
> >><http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_concert>Wikipedia
> >>
> >><http://www.houseconcerts.com/main.php>HouseConcerts.com
> >>
> >>Lots of love,
> >>
> >>Billy + Kristin
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Gathering mailing list
> >>Gathering at misera.net
> >>http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
> >
> > Competition is a barbaric, insensitive ritual that reeks of social
> > Darwinism.
> > We cannot allow the fittest to survive on our pages. Your loss is someone
> > else's gain, and your gain is someone else's loss. Therefore, losers
> > contribute
> > to the society and winners take away from it. Being a winner is
> > unethical, while
> > a society of losers is happy and striving as a collective. In the
> > spirit of diversity,
> > inclusiveness, and collectivism our contests shall have no winners.
> > Everyone is declared a loser, which in our book means an ethical team
> > player.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Gathering mailing list
> > Gathering at misera.net
> > http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering
> >
>Gathering mailing list
>Gathering at misera.net
Competition is a barbaric, insensitive ritual that reeks of social Darwinism.
We cannot allow the fittest to survive on our pages. Your loss is someone
else's gain, and your gain is someone else's loss. Therefore, losers contribute
to the society and winners take away from it. Being a winner is
unethical, while
a society of losers is happy and striving as a collective. In the
spirit of diversity,
inclusiveness, and collectivism our contests shall have no winners.
Everyone is declared a loser, which in our book means an ethical team player.
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