[kj] KJ IN NYC 2008
Karen Weil
karen.weil at sddt.com
Mon Sep 8 19:44:40 EDT 2008
True, true. I don't expect Olbermann to really challenge Obama, and that's a shame.
It's kind of like McCain going on Fox -- no challenge, no fun.
----- Original Message -----
From: Alexander Smith
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] KJ IN NYC 2008
You've drank way too much of the Kool-Aid.
On a lighter note -- please know that as maddening as I find this debate, I'm still looking forward to seeing you and hoisting several pints to celebrate the return of KJ to NYC with ya.
By the way, tonight - -Keith Olbermann (just recently barred from further presidential coverage) is interviewing Obama, which is a bit like me interviewing Killing Joke. Not exactly the toughest pair-up.
Alex in NYC
On Sep 8, 2008, at 5:54 PM, The Exorcist wrote:
Eloquence without substance is worse. :) (IMHO)
With the other at least you know what yer getting.
At 02:47 PM 9/8/2008, Karen Weil wrote:
BTW: Exorcist: After 8 years of an immensely inarticulate, dull-witted president, I think a little "eloquence" wouldn't hurt.
----- Original Message -----
From: The Exorcist
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] KJ IN NYC 2008
Though I might have a preference for certain songs it'll be a blast to see KJ again.
(For only the second time in my life.)
Seeing KJ and meeting old/new gatherers is something I am looking forward to and
getting the tickets just for that is worth it.
At 08:01 PM 9/5/2008, Karen Weil wrote:
Think you're spot-on with your observations.
The States
----- Original Message -----
From: Christof hamille
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] KJ IN NYC 2008
I have to be honest the prospects of them performing this or that albumin its entirety does not thrill me at all.
1. They typically play a lot of stuff off s/t and a good number of wtf anyway. And while I like Pandemonium playing the entire album again (they practically did for the tour) isn't necessary. If you want I'd rather hear Democracy. never heard any of it live.
2. There are plenty of great albums that get ignored all together. Extremities. People. How long have we been bitching about not hearing any of it. And while I didn't care, much, for Hosannas I would like to hear the live translation of 2 songs (TOPS).
3. Couldn't/shouldn't they play proper homage to Raven? Yeah I know this tour exists because of him. And yeah you'll probably hear Love Like Blood and maybe Kings and Queens or Eighties. But really. Lets pay proper respect and play something other then the obvious hits. Paul played plenty of Youth tracks that weren't hits.
4. Killing Joke, in my opinion, were never one of those bands that had to rely on 2-3 records to sustain their career. Maybe I am too big of a fan. But If I had to give someone a single KJ album to give them an idea of how they sound I couldn't. Bands are doing this type of thing all the time. Sometimes it is to celebrate an album anniversary. Sometimes it is to remind the public of how they became famous. Or sometimes the album, by itself, is a defining moment (ala Sgt Peppers). roger Waters did it with the Wall. Cheap Trick did it with the first 3 lps. Melvins with Houdini. etc etc etc.
The one advantage that I see of this rather lax schedule is that Jaz shouldn't have an issue of his "voice". I never read that Geordies fingers hurt
> Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 15:14:34 -0500
> From: unspeakable at sbcglobal.net
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] KJ IN NYC 2008
> >>who else is planning on catching the Joke's show in NYC in October???
> Show of hands, please.
> *raises hand*
> *raises wife's hand, which fights the second night*
> Any bets from anyone on:
> -If the whole tour will happen as scheduled?
> -If they will stick to the stated idea of KJ80 & WTF on night 1,
> Pandemonium on night 2? Somehow I see that changing. Looking forward to
> the early gig reports.
> If L.A.'s House of Blues gets nervous about ticket sales, someone should
> explain to them: "Killing Joke fans are just waiting to make sure the
> band show up first."
> Alexander Smith wrote:
> >
> > Ahoy Gang.....
> >
> > Sorry to be so in and out of the proceedings these days. There have
> > been lots of silly conversations I've wanted to hijack of late, but
> > I'm running around like a madman. In any case, I just wanted to get a
> > rough idea. I know Mik & Milinda are in, but who else is planning on
> > catching the Joke's show in NYC in October??? Show of hands, please.
> >
> > Alex iN NYC
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