[kj] [KJ] OT: Why rednecks may rule the world...
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Wed Sep 10 23:12:35 EDT 2008
My old boss at the bank just IM'd me to say that democracy is a slow slide
into socialism. Cracked me up! Maybe he has a point.
Personally I'll be happy when computers are in control of everything,
especially driving cars (half-serious winkie)
> Bloody typical mate. It's like I said about the Greeks, when they all got
> the vote, all they did was vote for endless coffer-enriching wars.
> Not that I'm saying that democracy is evil or anything like that, just
> what we perceive as the best of a bad bunch.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On
> Behalf Of Karen Weil
> Sent: 09 September 2008 23:04
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: Re: [kj] [KJ] OT: Why rednecks may rule the world...
> Ah gee, that's comforting. ; )
> k.w.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: ade <mailto:ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk>
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2:18 PM
> Subject: [kj] [KJ] OT: Why rednecks may rule the world...
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_7600000/7600592.stm
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