[kj] [OT] More Palin
LONESTYLE at aol.com
LONESTYLE at aol.com
Fri Sep 12 16:26:46 EDT 2008
I like SpongeBob Square Pants and Patrick too! If they were in office at
least we would all get free seafood? HA!
The whole poll thing I think is crap! There is still a majority that does
not vote in those things. The whole up and down thing is too much also. I hear
you on that. ;)
In a message dated 9/12/2008 1:20:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
bettedillinger at live.com writes:
But if SpongeBob SquarePants got in it wouldn't matter. I mean, a 500
billion dollar deficit keeps one's hands tied very harshly. The one who makes
the prettiest and most inspirational window dressing will "win". I just am
getting so pissed seeing the media doing the same crap they did before....."OH!
NOW McCain is showing a "boost" in the polls (among landline users, who
typically tend to be more geriatric and conservative, but we ain't telling ya
From: LONESTYLE at aol.com
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:13:54 -0400
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] [OT] More Palin
You know it makes me sad that America falls for such bullshit! Bush has
dragged us in the depths of hell for too long now! If people who cannot see why
the gas, food, and whatever else has gone up and see it is all Bush and his
cronies fault. Then there is a big problem with America in what they truly
believe! It will get so worse if McCan't and that religious vomit woman gets in
there. That woman makes me so sick! It is sad Karen, :(
In a message dated 9/12/2008 12:53:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
karen.weil at sddt.com writes:
Doesn't know the Bush Doctrine? Blamed Russia for the for the conflict over
there? Still connecting Iraq to 9/11.
Somebody tell us again why McCain picked this woman -- it sure as hell
wasn't because she was the best candidate.
Sad, sad, sad.
----- Original Message -----
From: _folk devil_ (mailto:folkdevil_23 at hotmail.com)
To: _gathering at misera.net_ (mailto:gathering at misera.net)
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: [kj] [OT] More Palin
Republican VP Candidate Speaks with ABC News' Charlie Gibson in Exclusive
In god she trusts. Too much.
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