[kj] Peel Sessions/RMXD
Christof hamille
wessidetempest at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 18 09:16:19 EDT 2008
I got the RMXD version in iTunes a while ago. I bought it because I had some credit to burn. And I never brought it up because, to be honest, I could care less about remixes. Is it good? I guess. For a remix album. Did I listen to it? Yes, several times. Nothing grew on me. It is, obviously, for the die hards. The cover, as you can tell, is a hodge podge of Colesy art. Which I am not exactly sure how that sits with me. I can't decide if that is a slap in the face to Mike or a homage OR an obligation. I would be hard pressed to recommend getting it as a import.
The Peel Sessions I do want badly. And I think I will have to wait.
> From: vassifer at earthlink.net
> To: saulomar1 at yahoo.com; gathering at misera.net
> Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 19:06:58 -0400
> Subject: [kj] Peel Sessions/RMXD
> WIth sincere apologies to Oliver, I got my copies of PEEL SESSIONS and
> RMXD in the mail today (import copies). Haven't had time to properly
> listen/soak'em up, but they're indeed lovely to behold.
> Hooray.
> Alex in NYC
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