[kj] Milan report

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 22 00:16:48 EDT 2008

I think that song must be "Timewave"? Listen to where it sounds like the
chorus, where Jaz breaks into his "dinosaur roar" vocals after the
sludgy doomy build-up, and it sonds like he shouts "Time wave!" and then
again "Time wave!" then back to the droning sludgy doominess for the
next few verses, then the chorus comes in again, and they chant the same
sounding word again, again two times in a row.


Brendan wrote:

> Okay I need a change of undergarments and moist towelette after that...whew!



>> TB ha scritto:


>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YftaHMpQ4II


>>> It's horribly clipped due to the volume and I can't for the life of me

>>> figure out which song it is.





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