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bongo humanhybrid666 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 08:27:02 EDT 2009

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:58 AM, GREG SLAWSON <gregslawson at msn.com> wrote:

> SOme of the problems I have w/religion:

> Although it may offer some good advice on how to live our lives, it


.........1. Doesn't update it's teachings (it's the holy book and nothing

timeless wisdom doesnt need updating... the metaphors could probably be
re-hashed tho, i reckon Ali G. should do it..

.........2. tends to interpret the holy book in question in a mechanical way
stoopid people do stoopid things, and our culture seems to be breeding
(its got Electrolites!)

.........3. is deterministic (god will decide everything, so don't try to
change the way things are)

alot of christian stuff is heavily borrowed from the Egyptians... if you get
into that stuff, (like the Hermetica) theres similar tales with less
'christian bullshit' attached...
i doubt there was a real jesus (not even his real name ffs!) but if you
understand His teachings, it doesnt matter!
if He was the Son of God, and so are We, then We are God, and We decide what
happens... there is no creater there is a creating - and you and i are a
part of it (not 'apart from it' )
what will you do with your power??

as Tones on Tail put it . . . THERE'S ONLY ONE!




> --



> "due to a lack of trained trumpeters, the end of the world has been

> postponed indefinitely..."


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