[kj] OT swine flu

Paul Gorman [Home] PaulGorman at ireland.com
Wed Apr 29 00:59:37 EDT 2009

"Any more info on the shareholding of Tamiflu, are they really *major*

Can only find this on Rumsfeld and Bush:


In January 1997, Donald Rumsfeld
<http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Donald_Rumsfeld> , a Board
member since 1988, was appointed Chairman of the company.[7]
<http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Gilead_Sciences#_note-6> He
stood down from the Board in January 2001 when appointed Secretary of

> at the start of George W. Bush

<http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=George_W._Bush> 's first term as
President. Federal disclosure forms indicate that Rumsfeld owns between
USD$5 million and USD$25 million in Gilead stock. The rise in Gilead's share
prices from USD$35 to USD$57 per share will have added between USD$2.5
million to USD$15.5 million to Rumsfeld's net worth. [8]

In November 2005, George W. Bush urged Congress to pass $7.1 billion in
emergency funding to prepare for the possible H5N1(bird flu) pandemic, of
which one billion is solely dedicated to the purchase, and distribution of


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