[kj] Ot. Fwd: KIRK BRANDON - So Far So Good !

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 13:33:32 EDT 2009


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "KIRKBRANDON.COM CALLING" <liam.feekery at mac.com>

Hey Peoples,
I have some serious news to pass on to you all today.
Kirk was taken very poorly last week, this resulted in a marathon
eight hours on an operating table in Sussex, UK on the 12th August.
The doctors, nurses and his consultant are pleased with his progress
so far, obviously it is very early days and at this time there is
little more to add other than a massive thank you to all the hospital
staff who has been nothing short of amazing.
I will be keeping you all updated via the wonders of the internet as
regularly as possible, an email address has been set up :
getwellsoonkb at live.com please feel free to drop a line to Kirk
directly via this email address, I will print them out and makes sure
he sees them all.
Lastly and I guess, obviously, all appearances for the time being
(much to the patient’s discord) are going to have to postponed until
Kirk is back to full strength.
Good news to follow soon I hope
LIAM 14th August 2009.


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Pat Davies
To discuss freedom is the first step towards denying it. Freedom
cannot be prescribed, cannot be defined and cannot be conditional, for
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