[kj] (totally OT) Train schedules

The Exorcist killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com
Mon Feb 2 14:04:07 EST 2009

KJ transportation. Beware! Rides are subject to change at random whims! :)

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)

At 07:59 AM 2/2/2009, Jerry Butson wrote:

>You're coming all this way to go to BICESTER?


>It all depends on when you're travelling but check

><http://thetrainline.com>thetrainline.com, you can put in your own

>dates/times and get a choice of trains. Alternatively i'll drive you there...




>2009/2/2 Bo Krogsgaard

><<mailto:bo.krogsgaard at gmail.com>bo.krogsgaard at gmail.com>

>Any of you fine gentle(wo)men who can point me to the fastest way to

>get from Oxford to Bicester and back?


>If you're in the neighbourhood i'd even offer a beer for some good advice :)




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