[kj] [OT]Orson Welles, Kubrick

Bette Dillinger bettedillinger at live.com
Thu Feb 19 20:03:44 EST 2009

Have you seen "The Wonderful Terrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl"? Fascinating documentary. She is about 90 in the film, and has this young stud as her assistant. Her answers to the obvious questions she is asked are strange and therefore riveting.

One of my faves of all time is Orson Welles. Has anyone seen "F is for Fake"? It is such a great examination of how some people are considered "experts" when others are "imposters". If any of you have seen his version of "MacBeth" or especially Kafka's "The Trial" I salute you.

But the man with the plan over his entire lifespan is Stanley Kubrick. I heart Kubrick from "Killer's Kiss" to "Full Metal Jacket". "Eyes Wide Shut".......I read the novella, it had no bearing on the final outcome and I have always been cynical about that film.

> Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:02:55 +0100

> From: bo.krogsgaard at gmail.com

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Subject: Re: [kj] [OT] Magazine and movies


> When it comes to old movies, i worship Fritz Lang for his two

> masterpieces M and Metropolis. Also Sergei Eisenstein and Friedrich

> Murnau, and even Leni Riefenstahl.


> Alfred Hitchcock, yes please, especially Vertigo is visually

> impressive. But i'd take an Orson Welles movie over a Hitchcock movie

> any day, especially The Trial, which to me is how a movie can be taken

> to perfection.

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