[kj] [OT] Music Snobbery
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 8 17:25:27 EDT 2009
Nah, he wasn't that clued-in. Also, he wasn't really in a position of
alienating his writers, being that none of us were getting paid. It's
all ancient history, though.
Alex in NYC
On Jul 8, 2009, at 5:22 PM, sade1 wrote:
> Any chance your boss had it in for you, even if in such a self-
> destructive(ie. his mag) way?
> Tough break.
> ... ... ... ... ... ...
> [looking at the current state of things..]
> 'Save me...
> save me from Tomorrow..
> I don't want to sail in this Ship Of Fools...'
> From: Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net
> >
> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 11:52:12 AM
> Subject: Re: [kj] [OT] Music Snobbery
> It's a long story that I'm sure I've told before, but in a nutshell,
> I was once asked to review EMF's debut album for a tiny music rag I
> was scribbling for in the early 90s. I didn't go overboard in
> lambasting it, but I wasn't exactly kind. About a month later, the
> band came to town, and the same editor who'd assigned me the review
> asked me to interview them. So I did. Trouble is, the editor came
> along. To make a long story short, at the tail end of the interview,
> the editor whipped out copies of the mag to show the band that we'd
> reviewed their record -- OBLIVIOUS of the fact (despite it being his
> own magazine), that I'd basically panned the album.
> The EMF boys were very professional, but it was clear in very short
> order that the interview was OVER. I have never been so mortified in
> my life (and really let my editor have it on the street outside --
> fisticuffs were nearly involved). Still, it was a valuable lesson.
> What the fuck have I done? It's all well and good for me to sit on
> my lofty critic perch and take a shit on someone else's album, but
> how many albums -- successful or otherwise -- have I made, eh?
> Alex in NYC
> On Jul 8, 2009, at 2:39 PM, folk devil wrote:
>> I have written for one or two mags and rags myself in the past. I
>> wouldn't do it.
>> From: vassifer at earthlink.net
>> To: gathering at misera.net
>> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 14:19:59 -0400
>> Subject: Re: [kj] [OT] Music Snobbery
>> Negative reviews are easier and -- quite frankly -- more fun to
>> write. Sad but true.
>> Alex in NYC
>> On Jul 8, 2009, at 1:43 PM, folk devil wrote:
>> I've always had a gripe with people who just dismiss a track by
>> saying 'it's shit'. If you don't like it, you don't like it. And if
>> you're inept of being able to give it a critique, shut up.
>> I have also never understood the point in a negative album/single
>> review. At the end of the day, music is Subjective.
>> Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®. See how.
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