[kj] (Very OT) Bruno - Autism

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 10 18:54:01 EDT 2009

I'd just like to say the Tropic Thunder controversy is just a tad - just
a tad! - overblown.

The person who makes the "going full retard" comment, etc., in tropic
Thunder is doing so in a way that makes you know his opinion is
extremely idiotic, and not the opinion someone who is admirable, etc.,
would have. I watched Tropic Thunder expecting this really nasty dig at
mentally handicapped folks and what I saw were some thoroughly unlikable
people acting like idiots. Anyone who takes their cues from these folks
really doesn't have a clue. They were exhibiting thoroughly unlikable
attitudes. They were also pretty macho, sexist, and just generally dumb.

Having said that, the whole movie was also disappointing in just a plain
old cinematic sense. I wanted to like the film - but didn't.


sade1 wrote:

> What happened? Any chance he pulled a "Tropic Thunder"?

> (where the joke was on those look down on offensive people).


> /(you can send it off-list so as not to spoil the film for others..)/


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