[kj] b-sides themselves

jpwhkj at aol.com jpwhkj at aol.com
Wed Jul 15 16:36:20 EDT 2009

Hmmm.  There's a few that (I think) were b sides on 12" singles, of which at least 2 are big faves: Fall of Because (live) and Change.  But I don't think anything beats the b side of KJ's first 7" - Pssyche.

Exile's pretty good, as is Mass.


-----Original Message-----
From: folk devil <folk.devil at hotmail.com>
To: gathering at misera.net
Sent: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 18:14
Subject: [kj] b-sides themselves

I just read this NME blog, about the decline of physical singles and a lament for the b-side.
What's your fave KJ b-side?
I'll go with 'Pssyche' & 'Tension'.

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