[kj] More Comedy Gold From Trent Reznor

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jun 6 16:21:03 EDT 2009

Damn. Dude gets drawn into flame wars pretty damn easily. Looks like he
was in another one with @heyericgrant on Twitter, that resulted in him
changing some policy about backstage passes:


Trent also sounds pretty butthurt and pissy there, too.

I kind of wonder about Twitter and how apparently accessible it makes
folks up in the starry empyrean. Some trolling yahoo actually engaged
ina sitting US Senator, Claire McCaskill, on twitter, in a minor flame
war, too. It's kind of scary to see that happen. When other folks of the
flamer's ilk saw that their online bro had pushed some buttons, they
also began flaming and taunting her. She's a Democrat, so they were
sending her stuff about Dems being traitorous liberals, etc. I can only
guess and hope she ended up ignoring them.


Alexander Smith wrote:


> Someone needs to get Trent a step-ladder, as he's clearly having a lot

> of trouble getting over himself.


> Alex in NYC

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