[kj] Eddy Current Suppression Ring

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 23 18:35:40 EDT 2009

I too miss mix tapes. Mix discs just don't have the same charm. Sigh.

Alex in NYC

On Mar 23, 2009, at 4:16 PM, B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:

> I am still a fan of the mix CD. I haven't made a mix tape since ...

> 2005? When I lucked out and bought something like 30 blank high

> quality 90 minute cassetes, unwrapped, at an estate sale. But I have

> heard some cool stuff by generous people who send me mix CDs.


> One thing I used to do when I was curious about a genre of music,

> like "martial industrial," was ask someone into that genre to make

> me a mix CD that would "convert" me, keeping inmind I basically like

> guitar-driven punk rock. I got some cool stuff! And I reciprocated

> by trying to send them rare stuff I thought was overlooked, etc.


> -Oliver



> The Exorcist wrote:

>> Agreed. I've never head of "Sun O)))" or doom drone or bloody

>> Panda's until it was mentioned on here.

>> Mix tapes are a good idea, as is Pandora, Last.fm, and youtube.


>> Maybe you're just confused? :)

>> But the title is funny as fuck!


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