[kj] Prong go disco / KJ @ ATP review
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Thu May 21 20:54:30 EDT 2009
...oh and it's in 84% of Marilyn Manson's crap too.
> Was I'm Afraid of Americans Bowie and Trentnor? Cos I actually dig that a
> lot...but a lot of the rest of NIN seems like that funky diggity muppets
> kinda boppy low fi riffy funk rhythm....the exact same one, remixed to
> death on everything he's ever done.
>> i think seeing nin/bowie on halloween is real cool,when i saw them in
>> lill/zurich/genieve, it was mid-feb freezing cold and snow everywhere
>> outside obiously,yes like a picture postcard of xmas,but so cold ;)
>> btw,gigs were awsome obviously so that made up for it;D
>> milindafgrantps saw bowie/nin also in france-metzs,renn,clermont
>> ferran,paris,holland-amsterdam,rotterdam,milan,northan
>> spain-madrid,zarragotha,(vienna,prague-where i met bowie) all in 97-ok i
>> will shut up now-im bragging lol ;D
>> Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:48:50 -0700
>> From: saulomar1 at yahoo.com
>> To: gathering at misera.net
>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco / KJ @ ATP review
>> Wow, France sounds a much better setting than where i saw them, in
>> Inglewood (near LAX) at The Forum for Halloween [Oct. 31], 1996. It was
>> a toss up between NIN/Bowie or Oingo Boingo's final farewell gig. I
>> think
>> i chose unwisely.
>> ... ... ... ... ... ...
>> [looking at the current state of things..]
>> 'Save me...
>> save me from Tomorrow..
>> I don't want to sail in this Ship Of Fools...'
>> From: melinda grant <hollytree1961 at hotmail.com>
>> To: gathering at misera.net
>> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 2:07:10 PM
>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco / KJ @ ATP review
>> hay sade1,i saw nin-supporting david bowie in 97 in lill in northan
>> france,were you at that gig ;)? if i remember the venue was called-the
>> zenith
>> milindafgrant
>> Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 13:59:29 -0700
>> From: saulomar1 at yahoo.com
>> To: gathering at misera.net
>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco / KJ @ ATP review
>>> I have always TRIED to like NIN
>> Same here...
>>> but never found a reason to,
>> ..same here. After "Pretty Hate Machine" and "The Downward Spiral" i
>> don't
>> think there was ever a real reason to like NIN much.
>> btw, I just heard "Hurt" for the 1st (or at most, the 2nd) time ever, as
>> sung by Johnny Cash... let's
>> just say it should've been Johnny's - and only Johnny's - song all
>> along,
>> from the very beginning.
>> I never got into Johnny's music, but I can tell he is a million times
>> better and 'deeper' singer than Reznor
>> ever will be. He made NINny's version soond like shit in comparison.
>> Same
>> for when I saw NIN open for
>> David Bowie in '96 when Bowie and Trent shared the stage for the last
>> note
>> of the last song of NIN's set - which may have been "Hurt" also, IIRC.
>> ... ... ... ... ... ...
>> [looking at the current state of things..]
>> 'Save me...
>> save me from Tomorrow..
>> I don't want to sail in this Ship Of Fools...'
>> From: Brendan <bq at soundgardener.co.nz>
>> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>> <gathering at misera.net>
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:56:00 PM
>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco / KJ @ ATP review
>> Nah it was cos he didn't acknowledge the crowd at all until he said that
>> it was the last time they'd be playing NZ...no 'thanks for coming &
>> supporting us' or anything...he was boo''d for that, it was quite a $hit
>> vibe actually. Not the worst transgression in the world, he just came
>> across like a dick the way he did it. Then stormed off with no encore.
>> Other than that I have always TRIED to like NIN but never found a reason
>> to, after really trying hard, and forking out for 2 tix to see that...I
>> was pretty slutted. So it's partly my fault, setting myself up to fail,
>> going out on a limb trying to like something that I honestly feel is
>> pretty luke warm...NIN's lyrics I find pretty embarassing. And Trentnor
>> really just rubs me up the wrong way...not as bad as Kiedis or anything
>> but on that scale. It's probably quite irrational to be honest. Just how
>> he claims being responsible for the 90s alt thing and all that...ugh. I
>> remember watching Perfect Drug on tell back in the day, wondering what
>> everyone was so interested in, it bored me silly.
>> I can't actually fault him for taking the pi$$ outta Cornell though,
>> seeing as I feel the same.
>> Oh and I was talkin about the reviewer not knowing anything in my
>> mini-rant there, not Ade (think it was his post I was replying to...?)
>>> Hey Brendan
>>> Â
>>> Why the hate-on for Reznor? I remember you posted some rant after a
>>> concert a while back ;) - Is it cos he didn't do an encore?
>>> Â
>>> Geoff
>>> --- On Wed, 20/5/09, Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote:
>>> From: Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz>
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco / KJ @ ATP review
>>> To: "'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'"
>>> <gathering at misera.net>
>>> Received: Wednesday, 20 May, 2009, 11:39 PM
>>> Mentioning Trent Dickface Reznor in the same breath as Killing Joke
>>> illuminates how little you know about anything. Sorry, sad but true.
>>> Â
>>> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
>>> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]
>>> On Behalf Of ade
>>> Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 8:30 a.m.
>>> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco / KJ @ ATP review
>>> Â
>>> Respect to him !!!
>>> Â
>>> Looky here for a review from KJ @ ATP:
>>> http://drownedinsound.com/in_depth/4136820
>>> Â
>>> "If you were to ask any Killing Joke fan in the room for the best
>>> couplet
>>> to start the set, most wouldnât disagree with âRequiemâ and
>>> âWardanceâ. Jaz Coleman meanwhile strikes a menacing pose, like a
>>> mystical uncle with the shared genetics of Trent Reznor and Alice
>>> Cooper.
>>> Geordieâs guitar sounds are simply euphoric, an original underrated
>>> master whose inspiration holds no boundaries, while the tribal rhythms
>>> of
>>> Paul Ferguson coupled with Youthâs elegant dubbed-up basslines are a
>>> joy
>>> to behold, none more so than on âTurn To Redâ or âPsycheâs
>>> frenzied assault which causes the Centre Stageâs dancefloor to erupt
>>> as
>>> one sweaty mass. Simply awesome, from start to finish."
>>> Â
>>> Sounds like they did a good job ;)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
>>> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On
>>> Behalf Of folk devil
>>> Sent: 19 May 2009 23:24
>>> To: gathering at misera.net
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco
>>> I understand Jaz is also a fan of Boney M and Abba.
>>> A friend witnessed him dancing and singing along to dancing queen ;)
>>> Â
>>> Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 23:22:11 +0100
>>> From: ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
>>> To: gathering at misera.net
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco
>>> There were a couple of blokes in there - Nile Rodgers is a legendary
>>> guitarist these days. Bit of a rhythm monster!
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
>>> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On
>>> Behalf Of melinda grant
>>> Sent: 19 May 2009 23:14
>>> To: gathering at misera.net
>>> Subject: Re: [kj] Prong go disco
>>> ahhh but let us remember that killing joke were influenced by 1970s
>>> disco
>>> all girl band-chic --back in 78/79 yes,yes awful i was never into
>>> chic but they certainly helped to shaped the rytham section of k.j ;)
>>> Â
>>> milindafgrant ps prong go disco-oh dear!
>>> Â
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