[kj] OT-ish: Top10 ConspiracyTheories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)
Bette Dillinger
bettedillinger at live.com
Sun May 31 17:52:45 EDT 2009
I mourn that an obvious truth that must be followed if we are to continue to exist is considered idealistic. It is the most realistic thing I have read in a long time. We are seeing the final stages of the alternative, eh?
From: gregslawson at msn.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 22:18:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top10 ConspiracyTheories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)
We could use a little more of your idealism!
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 14:16:30 +1200
From: humanhybrid666 at gmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top10 ConspiracyTheories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)
i truly believe, that until we are our brothers keeper, we will not know peace on earth...
we must look after one another, no matter what colour or beliefs we may hold...
they planet will always have constantly moving arible (sp?) area's, and when some place dries up, the people must be made welcome where there is plenty. i'm too simplisticly idealist i know, but surely this is obvious to all?
meh, pass the bong.........
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote:
Kinison was the one who introduced me to that via a pretty hilarious rant, but there’s more to it than just living in the desert. They have so many other problems now, constant wars, AIDS, exploitation by foreign powers etc.
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of GREG SLAWSON
Sent: Sunday, 31 May 2009 12:04 p.m.
To: gathering
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top10 ConspiracyTheories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)
True those "in the desert" govenments are some of the worst in the world. However many Americans falsely believe that we funnel tons of $ into the Third World and get nothing in return. The opposite is actually true. The relatively tiny crumbs we toss them in international relief, etc. in small compared to the much larger amounts we steal from their countries. It's called Imperialism and it happens in 3 main ways--stealing or almost stealing their raw materials (which Africa and the Middle East are rich in), forcing their workers to work for our companies for dirt wages, and forcing them to buy our products at an unfair price (or just driving their local businesses out by under-pricing them). Most of the starvation in places like Africa (and the local wars too--there was always one group of warlords in Somalia supported by the US) have their roots in exploitation from the US and Europe.
PS I can tell you've heard the Sam Kinison routine!
From: bq at soundgardener.co.nz
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 11:56:57 +1000
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 ConspiracyTheories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)
not to mention the 26,000 people a day or whatever the # is who die from starvation, diarreah, and other easily preventable causeses, and the list goes on...
No one’s ever given me a decent explanation as to why we are expected to help support people who live in the desert, who don’t have the means to live there, who procreate like crazy, have huge AIDS infection rates, and who are plagued by warlords causing havoc, constantly causing huge population migrations of refugees, that decimate the local environment and set back the agriculture efforts of the entire continent…
All the Geldof inspired billions that has flowed into the African continent since 1986, and the place is worse off. I’ve often thought of sending money to those charities, but why bother? None of it seems to have done any good. My point is not that I don’t feel bad about the whole situation, but if you want to help you have to address all of the issues, not just throw money into humanitarian aid. It’s wasted if you don’t clean up the warlords, sort out irrigation, population growth etc.
Look at Australia. Wealthy nation, huge country / continent, but NO ONE LIVES IN THE MIDDLE COS IT’S A DESERT.
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of GREG SLAWSON
Sent: Sunday, 31 May 2009 11:44 a.m.
To: gathering
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 ConspiracyTheories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)
Of course killing people is never a good thing (well, maybe except in the case of some of the 80s "new romantic" bands). But nothing can compare in brutality to what the "corrupt politicians" you mentioned have done in recent decades--over a million dead in Iraq (and Iran--killed by the religious nuts running their gov) since 1990; several million dead in Loas, Vietnam, Cambodia in the 60s/70s; hundreds of thousands dead in Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador in the 80s, hundreds of thousands in Indonesia in the late 60s (in the name of fighting the communists there), thousands in the Balkans in the 90s, not to mention the 26,000 people a day or whatever the # is who die from starvation, diarreah, and other easily preventable causeses, and the list goes on...
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 20:46:17 +0100
From: ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)
Yeah, fair comment Greg, it's just the *killing people* bit I don't like !!!
As much as I'd like to see corrupt politicians hanging upside-down from lamp posts,
I feel it would be the dawn of a new age of social brutality, dropping the threshold of
whichever forms of violence are considered acceptable.
Still, can't help spilling the milk sometimes.
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of GREG SLAWSON
Sent: 30 May 2009 20:30
To: gathering
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories(one ofJaz's faves is on here)Bankers? Actually, the "ruling class" is made up of all kids of people who usually serve in government, private industry, academia, and sit on all kids of boards of directors, belong to major think tanks (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commision, etc). And you got the point about business moving on to more profitable things right--so all the more need to end profit and just produce things simple for USE.
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 19:34:50 +0100
From: ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories (one ofJaz's faves is on here)
Revolution. Who do you suggest we start killing first?
Take the profit out of oil & big business will move on to something else with a larger profit margin.
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of GREG SLAWSON
Sent: 30 May 2009 18:30
To: gathering
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories (one ofJaz's faves is on here)The main way to affect climate change is not the bullshit we hear in the media about everyone turning off a light, but by forcing the capitalists (who care nothing about the planet, only about making immediate short-term profits) to abandon their oil, gas, and coal industries and switch to solar, wind, etc. And since that it not immediately profitable for them to do this, the only way to get this done is through revolutions!
From: stephen.l at live.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 12:43:06 +0000
Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories (one of Jaz's faves is on here)
to all those concerned about climate change just try not to contribute to it in whatever way and however small that contibution may be
> Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 00:49:21 +0100
> From: ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories (one of Jaz's faves is on here)
> Can't say I'm not concerned about ice-fields full of methane & defrosting permafrost...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
> [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of B. Oliver Sheppard
> Sent: 30 May 2009 00:44
> To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> Subject: Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories (one of Jaz's faves
> is on here)
> Even if one thinks Al Gore and/or his movie are full of crap, that
> doesn't mean climate change is. Al Gore and climate change are obviously
> two different things. The idea of climate change isn't false just
> because Al Gore's movie might suck. (I wouldn't know, I haven't seen
> it.) I hope I am preaching to the converted! :D
> -Oliver
> Darren A. Peace wrote:
> >
> > Oh, just read Crichton’s State Of Fear for an eminently reasonable,
> > non paranoid expose of the fallacy that is global warming...
> >
> > Actually, it’s a pretty perfect example of thrusting your own head so
> > far up your arse you can’t hear or see a thing.
> >
> > Darren
> >
> > Hungerford, UK
> >
> > *From:* gathering-bounces at misera.net
> > [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] *On Behalf Of *sade1
> > *Sent:* 29 May 2009 8:52 PM
> > *To:* A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
> > *Subject:* Re: [kj] OT-ish: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories (one of Jaz's
> > faves is on here)
> >
> > OK, I'll bite: why is Al Gore's movie (incovenient truth?) crap?
> >
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