[kj] FW: New Blog Post from youth on 09/11/2009 18:06:14

Peter Moltesen sneakypete at uwclub.net
Tue Nov 10 12:32:28 EST 2009



From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of Antoni Adamiak
Sent: 10 November 2009 07:14
To: The Gathering
Subject: [kj] FW: New Blog Post from youth on 09/11/2009 18:06:14

>From Myspace :

The recording of Killing Joke 13 has begun !
For regular updates and full warts and all blogs... including video clips,
sound-bites, band members personal diary extracts upcoming tour info etc
check killing <http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vam9rZS5jb20=> joke.com.
Day 1 ..............11/11/09
After an intensive weekend of flights, setting up gear and sound checking
equipment.....recording has begun on the new killing Joke album.The first
time with the original lineup of Jaz, Geordie, Big Paul and Youth for over
26 years!
The weight of massive expectation hung heavy in the air and was felt by
everyone on sunday whilst we were setting up.
Clive our engineer, arms flailing whilst head burrowed in a mixing desk...
barking commands to his under prepared assistants,
who were doing their best to avoid eye contact with the intimidating
individual band members .Each demanding their own special attention with the
frenzied intensity generally reserved for a firm of armed bank robbers on a
After deftly circumnavigating the usual computer / mixing desk / technical
gremlins a circle was cast and the opening ceremony commenced.
We are in the legendary Britannia Row studio complex in SW London, very
close to an ancient sacred burial site on the banks of the river Thames and
the ceremony reflected this. More details of this will be posted on the KJ
website .
Playing together in the studio again was like one huge coiled iron spring
being released after almost 30 years of being slowly wound up!
In between laying down some explorative takes ,heated debate was insuing as
to which production philosophy we should employ as to how to best capture
this vast sound. This isn't as straight forward as it may seem as we are
collectively producing the album together and all have vastly different and
contrasting ideas and philosophies as to how we should achieve our shared
vision.....of course this is what gives us our unique chemistry and you can
rest assured we do not shy away from it.
Tired, drained and emotionally drawn, we called an early night after Jaz had
one asthma inhaler hit too many and wanted to re-record everything we did
that day again from the beginning!
It was a good call as when we re commenced early monday morning, refreshed
and recharged, we immediately realized the tempo of the track was way too
After referencing some Bonham drum tracks for sound and tonal quality
...clive had Big Paul sounding like an primordial grunting warthog, stuck in
the mud with spears in his back....so heavy the walls were shaking from the
sonic thunder !
This put everyone in an extremely good mood and the arrangement and
performance came together very quickly.
A majestic ,thuggish and unrelenting rhythm track manifested ! Geordie
pulled a couple of other banjos out the bag and we overdubbed some vicious,
tetradactyl protecting her babies, white lightning guitar takes.
A filthy bass was corrected and then Jaz got weighed in with some disturbing
synth layers .
By 9 pm the track was sounding so razor tight and with a delicious malicious
punch, we were all jumping around the room with big grins on our faces,
partly from the relief it was all coming together but also from the sheer
joy of hearing the chemistry unleashed once more.
We then decided to record a totally spontaneous jam utilizing a manifesto of
the barest economy of notes and restraint
whilst applying intensity of emotion to compensate the musical minimalism.
directly invoking and referencing our former producer Conny Plank philosophy
of his work with Kraftwerk, Can and Neu! Three takes later and an epic study
in restraint and release was realized and i left the studio tonight elated
and exulted from the experience.

> From: noreply at message.myspace.com

> To: pssyche23 at hotmail.com

> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 18:06:18 -0800

> Subject: New Blog Post from youth on 09/11/2009 18:06:14


> youth has published a new blog post on MySpace.


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