[kj] OT: BNP on Question Time

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 07:52:35 EDT 2009

ill differ
the person attracted to the BNP is someone who has lost all respect
for teh status quo in politics and will have seen this as an example
of a collusion via the BBC to hound and persecute him for standing up
for white British people.

Question Time is the top political q&a programme, where politicians
answer questions about the current policies/news.
Given that there is a Rotyal Mail strike on, how come no-one asked
about that? Because it was set up to belittle Griffen.

On other matters Dimberly did take to task the conservative and labour
politician once the programme moved on so some semblance of fairness
might be seen. If it was charachter assasination any other political
programme could have done that and I think that the Question Time
brand will suffer now because of this ratings grabbing stunt.

So the person who might vote for the BNP will actually see this as an
orchestrated campaign by X aginst the ordinary British working person.
X could be Jews, the establishment, commies etc. It will merely
underline their siege mentality.

All in all, it spoke in a way to the audiences who wanted to hear what
they wanted to hear.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:32 AM, <jpwhkj at aol.com> wrote:

> I wasn't going to watch, 'cos I figured it would be tedious, but then

> did.... and it was a hoot.  Griffin is obviously intelligent (in a rather

> narrow way), but he mostly looked like a complete prick.  If politics was

> always so entertaining, people would be way more engaged with it.

Ascendo tuum - Up yours

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