[kj] Put the Death and Resurrection show documentary on at the Prince Charles Cinema, London?

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 11 07:23:33 EDT 2010

I have friend who is a major figure on the Japanese film scene, and he's curated a number of shows and film retrospectives in various places. He's also a major Killing Joke fan (he was at the Saturday Forum show couple of years back) and he's very keen to know when the docu's coming out, and who's in charge of publicizing/marketing it. I'm sure he could arrange viewings and festival appearances- if anyone had any concrete information about the damn thing!

--- On Sun, 11/4/10, Paul Wady <paulwady at hotmail.com> wrote:

Lets get it organised on there?
I love the PCC and it's got a big screen and surely, apart from the Notting Hill cinema Portobello, whatsit called, best place to show it?  Have a premier?  There is a stage, so Jaz can come on first and talk all night?
Unless I'm a bit behind & it's already come out?  Boo hoo.

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