[kj] Death & Resurrection Show Doc

Brendan bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Mon Apr 12 11:22:53 EDT 2010

Killing Joke staying at the level of exposure they have at the moment -
while it rankles that it doesn't do them justice, especially with all the
talentless high profile numpties, still feels in one sense, like a brilliant
little secret to be in on...

But I'd love to see the documentary and Killing Joke get the exposure they
deserve. From what I've seen so far it looks brilliant...

From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of Paul Wady
Sent: Tuesday, 13 April 2010 12:03 AM
To: Gatherers Killing Joke Gatherers
Subject: Re: [kj] Death & Resurrection Show Doc

Hmmm. Who to approach?

FORTEAN TIMES - Pretty obvious choice. Enough said?

NATURE CHANNEL - Witness the lives of strange, wild creatures that mankind
has little understanding of? See the tribes use of strange mystic herbs and
rhythmic drum beats.

HISTORY CHANNEL - These boys changed everything, bravely going over the top
and facing thousands of fans armed only with guitars, drum kits and make up.
History turned on their words, and nearly ended at one point. Iceland
everyone, run!

GEOGRAPHY CHANNEL - Well look where they travel in the film.


> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 13:16:24 +0100

> From: mattdunn at ntlworld.com

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Subject: [kj] Death & Resurrection Show Doc


> An ex-friend had an email conversation at the end of last year with Steve

Piper who has something to do with it. He can be contacted at
coffeedesign.co.uk if anyone was really interested. Anyway, here's the
extract from his email that may be of interest:


> 'The KJ film is an unusual one, it started shooting seriously about 3

years ago funded by the director, Shaun, and Jaz from Killing Joke, they'd
known each other for ages so already had a ton of archive footage and by
involving the band we got access to most of their catalogue for percentages
in the film profit.


> The project ran out of money about a year ago and maybe 6 months ago I

started talking to Shaun and got involved, he was already cutting a trailer
etc. for it to show to funders. Because KJ have a decent sized cult fanbase
that's a big selling point to an investor; their fans are very "hardcore"
and will buy just about anything with a KJ logo on it, so we wanted to make
sure they were all aware of the project and hungry for it before hitting the


> So now we're just starting to hit investors, the trailer has been copied

onto numerous blogs, the social nework accounts are gaining friends at a
reasonable pace and quite a few distributors etc. have heard about it by
word of mouth and come to us, so all round the promotion is helping us close
the money we need to edit. There is a risk we're warming the fanbase up too
early and they'll have a long wait, but a risk we needed to take; not enough
people know who KJ are or what 2012 etc. is about to realise the value of
the finished film without some kind of evidence.'


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