[kj] [OT] Volcano & Prague & planes

Antoni Adamiak pssyche23 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 20 16:17:11 EDT 2010

This site shows where the flights (mainly BA) are currently plotted :

* http://www.heathrowcam.net/liveradar.php *

To think, there's hundreds or even thousands of folks up there not knowing where they are landing ... it's chaos up there !!!

From: pssyche23 at hotmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 18:51:31 +0000
Subject: Re: [kj] [OT] Volcano & Prague & planes

Planes are now landing at UK airports, it's been shown live on the BBC News & people are getting very excited - bunch of sad fuckers ! :o)

> From: fatpotanga at gmail.com

> Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:12:41 +0100

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Subject: Re: [kj] [OT] Volcano & Prague


> On 20 Apr 2010, at 11:57, Neil Perry wrote:


> > Funny how things turn out - looks like tour cancellation was a blessing in disguise.

> > Who'd have put a bet on a KJ tour being disrupted by the earth vomiting?



> 'see patterns in the wind & in the sand, i see the stars & read the clouds i understand..'

> seems to have a certain resonance doesn't it?


> I know it's a real bummer for all those stranded/in limbo/have paid for tickets to destinations they don't know whether they'll get to etc but I have to say I've really enjoyed seeing/hearing totally plane free skies.

> We back onto countryside with nothing to obscure the views so the sky is big & as we're roughly 25miles from both Manchester & LIverpool airports there are usually planes & vapour trails everywhere.

> There's a real serenity to it now. It's almost like looking back in time & seeing the sky man free & as it was first intended.

> I for one shall miss it when it ends.



> --


> http://www.iamscuzzy.com


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