[kj] Help Need New MUSIC

Paul Rangecroft paul.rangecroft at gmail.com
Sun Aug 1 16:58:58 EDT 2010

You're asking the wrong list, mate. Try Group 4 or the doormen at your
local nightclub. And do keep us informed of your quest to find the
sonic equivalent of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier taking a massive shit
in a back lane, despite the fact that nobody ever replies or shows the
slightest interest.

New Model Army were a bit too folky for me whereas metal was/is too
lacking in melody (obviously), so I appreciated the combination of the
two that LOUD were attempting. I thought it worked quite well on a few
of the tracks (although KILLING JOKE did it approximately a million
times better on ED&VRE). But I listen to a lot of BIG COUNTRY, which
you seem to regard as the benchmark for everything music shouldn't be,
so I wouldn't expect you to agree!

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 7:30 PM, ADRIAN WASON
<adrianwason at btinternet.com> wrote:


> Hi-anyone suggest something for my friend ok me that sounds like a cross between killing joke/october file/later day godflesh & prong/tribazik etc that's worth a punt -i loved the proper tracks on the Mobb Research (wambulance & thisones for u were obviously shit) & i bought all the last ministry stuff.someone said listen to Gojira but i couldnt get into that & i went down the road of listening to Celan & Unsane.

> Yours in need


> PS Paul dont say loud -you've never forgiven me for putting your medical records on line- i will admit there is one good track on the first loud cd(was there another one?

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