[kj] Youth Blog
damon cook
soundmagick at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 14:27:30 EDT 2010
YOUTH rocks hard=wish i could find that lil black book of poetry/art that
squibz got at the la show in 008=he signed it with a fly buzzing threough
twin towers=youthadektikal!
cheers simon for the heads up!
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Simon Abinett <louiecipher33 at hotmail.com>wrote:
> Extensive Youth blog on his my space called Enter the Dragon
> Small relevant excerpt -
> *"The band are on form and although we haven't played together for six
> months, we run through our last set almost note perfect. *
> *We have mastered the new album and its in production!.*
> * Jaz is going into a studio next week to record new vocals on some extra
> tracks and re record a verse or two to Big Paul's preferred lyric. Geordie
> is re cutting another guitar track to industrial suicide tribe ...these
> will probably appear on the deluxe edition as bonus tracks ....meanwhile
> myself, Clive Goddard and my assistant Michael Rendell are remixing tracks
> for the next single....will it ever end?*
> *It's been encouraging to get some great feedback (good and bad!) from
> the EP from the fans and forums..... Now were getting industry yelps of glee
> from promo copies of the album that are doing the rounds. Finally it feels
> like its really 'Real'.... as we get validation from the outside world,
> including last weekend at the secret garden party festival, where I could
> hear the strains of Ghosts dub mix filtering threw the tents on the wind. I
> followed the sound, pied piper like, to Jaz's voice to the packed tent where
> the crowd were going ballistic to the DJ as he dropped the tune....Bam!*
> *How we have been lucky enough to be invited to headline a festival here i
> don't know, but we seem to be very popular....maybe its because they have a
> lot to rebel against here."*
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