[kj] New Topic-Best Drummer

fatpotanga fatpotanga at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 04:27:32 EST 2010

> No question big paul he is essential to the joke, without big paul they are only a likeness.

Exactly Todd!
When he was kicked out the dynamic changed & they gradually became this big rock monster.
I've said before rock drummers were never right - you needed someone with that sense of feeling & expression.
Listen to Pauls stuff, it's not these HUGE rock drums, just very musical drumming, bristling with energy that was totally interwoven into the music.
Atkins however was truly superb on EDVR.
After seeing them on the extremities tour (although if memory serves they played a few dates with Atkins before it's release?) I wrote an embarrassing rambling drunken letter to ODIC bemoaning that Atkins was great drummer but wasn't Killing Joke
It's a shame it had to be something as tragic as ravens passing that facilitated something as positive as Pauls return.

For me Benny was the best they'd had in lieu of Paul but lets face it there has only ever really been one drummer.
Everyone else has merely been keeping his seat warm & I'd be surprised to find a single person who'd disagree.

On 18 Jan 2010, at 23:26, fluw wrote:


> No question big paul he is essential to the joke, without big paul they are only a likeness.


> Atkins is over rated



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