[kj] Off-Topic: Info request for UK or Canadian gatherers: NOT KJ-RELATED

powens powens at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 11:22:25 EST 2010

Just assume it's the same. There's no functional difference between
Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk plus Facebook, Twitter & Gmail don't do anything
different for UK.


2010/1/21 Rheinhold Squeegee <kjlist at live.com>

> Hi-


> *this is completely non-KJ related.*


> I work for a company that develops commercial and professional web sites

> for clients throughout the US and we are currently branching out into both

> the UK and Canada.


> I get the feeling, however, that there is a misperception here that web

> users in the UK and Canada access and use the Internet in the same way we do

> here in the US. I remember seeing comments a few years back about how UK web

> access was hampered because there were per-minute phone charges in addition

> to web access charges.


> In the US, the majority of people with more than a dial-up connection (do

> we still have those?) will have unlimited time access via cable or some

> other broadband access, with some restrictions on total bandwidth, or access

> will be bundled along with a cell phone or cable plan. In other words, we

> have full access, all the time.


> Question: How is web access today the same or different for the average

> user in the UK or Canada? Are there any significant differences that impact

> how the user accesses the web, and how much time they spend doing so, i.e.

> phone charges, bandwidth restrictions, legal issues?


> Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if this offends any of

> the forum purists, but I've always found the members here to be helpful and

> insightful.


> Regards,


> JF






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