[kj] Kali Yuga similar to Mass ?

fatpotanga fatpotanga at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 05:59:40 EDT 2010

After listening to it for a while now, In Excelsis kinda gets in your brain.
It's good to walk a dog you don't particularly like over fields on a balmy summer evening to.
It reminds me of - I can't think of (or more likely don't know) the correct term - something akin to a requiem in the way it flows.

I still think Endgame has a huge chorus. Live I can imagine them all being great 'bouncers'
All in all, I like it all.

It's like they've taken the best elements of killing joke over the years, put it in a magic pepper-pot & liberally sprinkled it all over everything.

On 7 Jul 2010, at 10:41, Neil Perry wrote:

> Well my package was finally waiting for me when I returned from a weekend away, and

> I have to add to the Kali Yuga love-in. It's got that lightness of touch welded to a driving

> beat that I thought we'd never hear again on a KJ song - in spirit it reminds me of Chop Chop,

> Pssyche, AYR? (and musically yes Mass). Brilliant stuff and getting better with every listen.

> Likewise Ghosts - a return to the innovation of that first EP (sort of) - who'd have thought it?


> In contrast, the huge lumbering fart of Endgame is frigging awful. Hated it when I first

> heard it and hate it more now... the arse-end of the lazy chug chug grunt growl sound they've sometimes

> fallen into over the past few years. Weirdly, try imagining this being sung by Liam Gallagher

> instead of Jaz and it fits, especially the chorus. Shudder. I pray the LP is more Kali Yuga

> and a lot less Endgame. And In Excelsis is, er, sort of a big nothing, but meanders along

> pleasantly enough. Still, 2 out of 4 ain't bad.


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