[kj] KJ 2010 Tour Support:

damon cook soundmagick at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 18:37:29 EDT 2010

was that Burton Bell project,i fergit the name=o ya Ascension of the
Watchers really that tragic?
i remember seeing a video snippet when they first appeared in my slipstream
and was rather interested.
my gf squibah here ,who saw the l.a. and chi-town 2008 gigs without me is
relatively mum about it all in here eerie,western star fashion.

wots it all about this aotw stuff i cant seem to find my myspace anymore...

seriously fill me in on the weakness of it all mister squeegee its a problem
i need to solve

ahhh nevermind im gonna walk to the pub and raise a glass to it all in the
ominous new "smoking lounge" working out the screenplay in my head

as you were...

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Rheinhold Squeegee <kjlist at live.com> wrote:

> I will be surprised if these jokers open for KJ anywhere other than

> Belgium and maybe the French / German dates.


> The US dates will almost certainly have a North American act as openers, a

> la "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" or whatever that thing with Burton

> Bell I was subjected to three times in 2008 was...




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